What Are The Affects Of Social Media

Social media is extremely powerful in modern day and can have a huge influence on how we live our lives, but why do we allow that?

How big is social media?

Social media is constantly growing bigger and bigger and is currently used by 3.78 billion people, with around 84% of that being people aged 18-29. However, the types of things we see on there are most definitely not always positive for us. A lot of modern day 'celebrities' are people who have made a name for themselves from Instagram, tiktok etc. for just being pretty or living the most perfect life, but, the videos and pictures that are uploaded are just a small insight to that persons life and they only show what they want YOU to see. As nice as it is for these people showing off their fabulous lifestyles it can be extremely disheartening to a younger audience when they see that their life isn't the same. The unrealistic life goal portrayed by these people has a major affect on their audience and comparing any normal life to these expectations can have a major affect on people's mental health.

Photoshop and Picture Editing

One of the most common tricks these influencers use is face-tune or similar apps to edit their pictures unrealistically, that's if they haven't spent thousands on fillers and botox. Photo editing on Instagram may not always be obvious but a study in 2020 shown that around 71% of people edit their pictures in some way before posting them. Picture editing can be harmless however, when people use it to set unrealistic body images, it can cause problems for their audience such as eating disorders, mental health issues etc. 

Instagram vs Reality 

image reference- the bored panda

This picture of popular influencer, Tana Mongeau shows the comparison of Instagram vs reality. The original picture, posted on Instagram, shows the unrealistic body image which may well have been achieved from editing, lighting, angels etc. but the comparison shows the realistic unedited body image. Setting body goals like this in young peoples minds can have a damaging affect on how they perceive themselves and what they believe they should look like. This can go on to being a cause of eating disorders, body dysmorphia and even mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

image reference- the bored panda

Another comparison image is this picture of Kylie Jenner. These pictures were taken on the same day but you can clearly see the editing and lighting has had a major effect on how Kylie looks in this image. It is very clear that Kylie and other celebrities do edit their pictures to make themselves look more or less perfect, but even with the knowledge that its not real, for me personally it still makes very little difference as to how I perceive myself. I, personally, still feel as though they edit their pictures to make themselves look different because they don't want people to think they look the way they actually do. They are portrayed in the media as perfect and superior when in reality, they also have insecurities that they want to hide. 

Why do are people so obsessed with photo shop?

It has become almost impossible for people post their pictures without editing them in some way but why is this such a big thing? celebrities and social media influencers have edited their photos for so long and drilled it into our brains that this is societies standards of beauty. People are becoming more and more insecure as they see these that they feel the need to edit theirs too so that they can be perceived in the same way. It has overpowered almost all social media platforms and has made it extremely hard for people to come to terms with who they are and what they look like. 

How do people make us believe they're perfect?

Social media platforms such as Instagram, snapchat etc. are different ways of people contacting each other and showing the world whats going on in their lives. But, THEY can post what THEY want you to see. you don't see all the downfalls and the bad times in others lives on their Instagram feed so why compare your rollercoaster of a life to a tiny insight to someone else. people will post their expensive trips to the Maldives and sipping cocktails with their significant other but won't show you the work and the grind and the struggles that it has taken them to get there. Now, its all well and good saying "stop comparing yourself to everything you see online" but lets face it, were not going to. This is because there is so many of these people who look the part and play the part so well that the can build up a name for themselves, but that leaves the rest of us wondering why we aren't good enough. A study from stylist UK has shown that 83% of women say that social media negatively affects their self esteem and 40% of women compare themselves with other peoples successful careers. This, for me, is a big thing as it is something I constantly find myself doing. I wonder why I'm not getting paid to post on my Instagram looking pretty, or travelling the world. But why should I feel as though I am unsuccessful just because somebody else's life doesn't quite match mine? 

Whats wrong with the beauty standards in society?

Beauty standards in todays society are so much higher than they have ever been, but why is this the case? Of course photo editing plays a huge role in this issue. It is easier than it has ever been to be perceived as somebody completely different and make yourself look like a different person entirely. Beauty standards are so high because people are always trying to look better than everybody else. The issue is, no one actually looks like that. Women are expected to be petite, slim, tanned, big lips and ski sloped nose. Men are expected to be muscular and have a six pack and hence arms with a strong jawline and perfect white teeth, yet none of this is humanly possible to look like. People spend thousands getting work done to their bodies to meet the general Beaty standards of todays society and it is becoming far too much. 

Living THEIR best life

Social media platforms, Instagram especially, are turning into this perfect life 'aesthetic' which is pretty much unachievable by the average person. You see people waking up at 6am eating their avocado on toast and doing yoga, but realistically how many people on their days off are willing to wake up that early? because I am certainly not. And why should I feel like a failure for wanting to sleep in a little longer? You see posts of people travelling the world and jetting off to multiple countries in the space of a month and wonder how its humanly possible for one to do so. But it needs to be acknowledged that these things aren't normal. Not everyone is going to be able to do this and no matter what stage you are in life you are never actually behind. 

image reference- pinterest

Living YOUR best life

So, how can we overcome this issue of social media affecting our mental health? Well, first of all you can stop comparing your life to other peoples, like Olivia Rodrigo said "comparison is killing me slowly". You will live your life at your own pace and everything will fall into place, no matter how far ahead others may seem to be. Remember, not everything you see on social media is real. photoshop has been around since 1987 and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. Not everything you see on social media is real and although its hard to look past that, it is important that we do. We shouldn't have to feel as though we are not good enough but we really are. In your own way you are beautiful and your life is unique and unlike any other!

20 years old // Aspiring travel blogger

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