How Being Single Is The Best Money Saver!

If you want more bang for your buck, just be single.


Well, Valentine’s Day has been the most notorious day for showing that special someone how much you care. Whether it be in the form of flowers, chocolates, stuffed bears or even going to the extreme and popping that all-important question, people spend tons of money on a fictitious, debatable holiday and just in general. But what happens after Cupid leaves and the dust settles and we take off the rose-colored glasses? Could it be that people in relationships or situationships have all the fun with their money? Or is it single people that get “more bang for their buck”? Here are 15 things that suggest that single people actually save more in the long run.

  1. Peace of Mind                                                                                                                Studies show that being single may be better for your mind. The actual bringer of stress that comes with being alone can be a good thing. According to an article by PsychologyToday that compared the personalities between single and coupled people, single people are more likely to experience more personal growth. This means you are more likely to work on yourself. You are able to develop self-confidence and better self-esteem.
  2. Better Relationships 
    Maybe you have had a falling out with your parents, or colleagues or friends. By being single, you have more time to foster and create better more meaningful relationships with these people. It gives people the impression that you can handle yourself well in any social construct. Perhaps you are more likely to develop more job connections or help someone else out because of your newfound social skill.

3.   Better Real Estate 
For some, there’s this stigma that says that you have to live with a person before you can know if you are truly compatible. For some, that’s actually true. But for single people, you can choose to live wherever you want. If you want to be a hermit, or finally take the plunge and travel, guilt-free. You can do that without the hassle of wondering who’s eaten the last peanut butter and jelly sandwich or who has to pee for the hundred time on a 10-hour car ride to Disneyland. You can save gas money.

4.   Better Sense of Value/Self-Worth
Because being single is more about finding yourself while also possibly looking for a partner, you can spend that free time deciding what you value. Whether it’s spiritually, emotionally, financially, everyone deserves to take that time out. We only get one life, and we might as well spend it wisely and on ourselves.

5.   Side Projects
Being in a relationship seems like a full-time job. And it is, to some extent, caring for another person all the time. It seems like you never have time for what you love in those days. Being single might free up time to focus on the things you took for granted. You could take up a hobby or develop those hidden latent skills that you subconsciously put on the back burner in exchange for a romantic connection.

6.   Setting More Riskier Financial Goals
In THEORY, people are supposed to know the difference between a want and a need by the time they reach a certain age. Maybe it’s 20, perhaps it’s 40. Maybe it’s never. Whatever the age, or time, being single presents an opportunity to try new financial goals. Saving for a high-rise apartment, or buying a fancy car? Being in a relationship, or married would probably have you scratching your head at how to cover costs while giving your partner what they want as well.

7.   No Pressure To Introduce Anyone New
Guess who’s coming to dinner? No one except you. See, one of the joys about being single is that you do not have to flash a new person to every family function if you don’t have one. Sure, people might ask you if you have a person in your life, and if you’re lucky, maybe they’ll think you are content the way you are. 

8.   Scoring Good Deals/Used Items
People in a relationship tend to buy new things and most items cost more if you’re an item. It almost seems as if people care about what others think. When you’re single, you’re more likely to appreciate the joy of the used item, the fact that someone cared <just enough to buy something and return it. 

9.   Less time spent filing taxes
When it comes to tax season, you always have to count the costs of every minuscule job you’ve worked for the past year. When filing taxes, you can have the option to say you’re single and the process goes much faster.

10.   No need to spend money on relationship items 
Let’s see what’s on the grocery list. Eggs, milk, bread, DIAPERS? RINGS? NOPE. You can take yourself to the movies AND buy the extra-large popcorn and soda.

11.   Food is cheaper 
According to an article by Mint, the average person spends at least 100-300 dollars on food, and factors more so on age. The prices in total will change depending on where you live.

12.   Rent is cheaper 
Possibly the best part about being single is that your state of living might be better. Buying an apartment, or staying at home with the parentals might be cheaper. You can save up in more time than you could if you had the added pressure or thoughts to move in with someone.

13.   More time to exercise 
Everyone knows that bodies are built in the kitchen. But they are also built by doing all of that hard work by yourself. Exercising by yourself can prove beneficial in many ways. For one, by focusing on yourself you are able to devote yourself to getting the body you desire. For two, you’ll have more time to workout.

14.   No need to spend money on a significant other
Most people are stingy when it comes to money, and rightfully so these days. With people spending money so vicariously on others for approval, why not just spend it on yourself? Self-care is a big deal these days and treating yourself is hard to do, with the way the world has become as of late. But if you can swing it, celebrate your milestones and accomplishments on your own. You don’t need to go all out but you can if you want to.

15.   No Sexual Peer Pressure
For what it’s worth, being single is not the social trap people think it is when it comes to sex. For one, being abstinent is a great investment if one is not quite ready to make that leap physically. There are many benefits to choosing to invest in yourself this way. You cut down and basically eliminate the chances of catching any STDs, unwanted pregnancies and you are keeping yourself in check.

In conclusion, there are plenty of benefits when it comes to being alone. It's not as depressing as everyone thinks. The more time people have to spend on themselves the more they are likely to discover who they are and not get so lost in someone else entirely. Being single has shown to be good mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and last of all for the reason you clicked this link, financially.

I am an aspiring author. That means that my words have the power to appeal to the changes I want to see in this world.

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