How Important Is Your Health And Wellness?

            In the midst of our busy days, especially when we are engaging in multiple roles as parents, workers, students, and the like, just surviving can feel like an amazing feat. However, we are called to do much more than survive: we are meant to THRIVE! What do I mean by this? We are meant to show up as our truest, best self as much as possible. How can we really do this? I know this seems unfeasible. But I am here to share a few tips for you. 

            First and foremost, it is important to ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT. I struggle greatly with this one. I feel as though it is revealing vulnerability and I like to feel in charge. However, we have to remember that no one is perfect. Some days are easier than others and we might not need as much help. But other days can be a struggle for us – this is when we must learn to lean on one another. What does help from others mean? It can be anything from someone listening to you, offering advice, helping you to provide for yourself through your basic needs (being able to eat a great meal, take a nap, or take a day off from work can sometimes do wonders for us), or whatever it is that you might need help with. 

            Secondly, it is important to rest when you need it. We tend to keep going and going until our batteries are completely drained. I will share a bit of my own story and struggles with you. I tend to be an individual who has a lot of goals for the day; however, there are times when I get overwhelmed or drained from energy. This can happen if I have not been getting enough rest, I am not taking my needed medications (I will share more on this in the future), or if I HAVE NOT EATEN A MEAL IN SEVERAL HOURS. I will say that I will literally just start to lose my energy and be unable to function, react to what is going on around me, and end up feeling dizzy and weak. I may be SuperWoman (I have the tattoo on my left shoulder), but not eating, resting, or taking my meds can be my Kryptonite! 

            Finally, you must remember to do what works for you. We all have different personalities, interests, and needs. Some of us are introverts and others are extroverts. Some of us are creative and others are analytical. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to your interests – they are simply aspects of who you are. We are all unique, individual, and blessed in the image that God has made us. I want to end this by stating that there has been something that has been truly blessing me lately. My passions lie in God, Family, Writing, Music, Psychology, Health and Wellness, and Education/Lifelong learning to name a few things. However, without energy, I cannot fulfill my drive and ambition for success. With that being said, it is important for me to say that my health and wellness has been a huge priority for me over the past few months. 

             I have been able to lose some extra weight that I gained back from using medications and steroids. I have also used meal replacement shakes to help with those sugar and carb cravings, three to four months of Nutrisystem to reset my body to eat smaller meals, replacing pop with sparkling water, eating more fruits and vegetables although I love them anyway, and, finally, using supplements to help me. The first few months were a struggle for me and I was very discouraged. However, I didn’t give up. I came across some amazing individuals who are now my team members. Many of us share similar stories. Through use of a 7-day trial through Truvy, an amazing company that I cannot share enough about, I have been able to get more energy, lose weight, and feel more revitalized! Now, please keep in mind that YOUR experience to the supplements can differ from my experience. The supplements can help with weight loss OR they can simply help your overall health such as regulating blood sugar and things of that nature. It is not only for weight loss – it can help to improve your health and life quality. The only way to know how they will work for you is to give them a try! 

              I am sharing this with as many people as possible because it is my mission in life to help, inspire, and motivate others through use of my talents, passions, and unique experiences. When I was a teenager, I never struggled with my weight. It was not until my 20s that weight became an issue for me on and off. But I am happy to say that I feel healthier than I have in years, and my health and wellness and self-care journeys are just beginning. Join me, and together we can help each other. 

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