How To Keep Being An Optimist

Do you want to be happy all the time? This guide will help you achieve happiness in your lifetime.

1. Smile

When you're happy, you're more likely to smile. It is, however, a two-way street.

We smile because we're happy, and smiling triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, which makes us feel better.

That doesn't mean you have to plaster a phony smile on your face all of the time. However, the next time you're feeling down, try smiling and see what happens.

2. Exercise

Exercise is beneficial to your mind as much as your body. Regular exercise can assist to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms while also increasing self-esteem and enjoyment.

A tiny bit of physical activity can make a significant difference. You don't have to train for a triathlon or scale a cliff to be happy - unless that's your thing.

3. Get Plenty of Sleep

Exercise is good for both your mind and your body. Regular exercise can help with stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms, as well as self-esteem and enjoyment.

Even a small amount of physical activity can make a big difference. To be happy, you don't need to train for a triathlon or scale a cliff unless that's your thing.

4. Eat with Mood in Mind

You're probably aware that your eating habits have an impact on your overall physical health. However, some foods can have an impact on your mood.

Consider the following scenario:

Serotonin, a “feel-good” hormone, is released by carbohydrates. Simply limit simple carbs — foods high in sugar and starch — because the energy boost is fleeting and you'll crash. Vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are good sources of complex carbohydrates.

5. Be Grateful 

Simply being appreciative can improve your mood and provide other advantages. A recent two-part study, for example, discovered that practicing thankfulness can significantly improve sentiments of hope and pleasure.

Begin each day by expressing gratitude for one thing. While brushing your teeth or waiting for that snoozed alarm to go off, you can do this.

6. Give a Compliment

According to research, committing acts of kindness can make you feel happier.

Giving a genuine compliment is a simple and effective method to make someone's day while also boosting your own pleasure.

If you catch the person's eye and say it with a smile, they'll know you're serious. It's possible that you'll be shocked at how amazing it makes you feel.

7. Breathe Deeply

You're stiff, your shoulders are clenched, and you're afraid you're about to lose it. We've all experienced it.

To calm yourself down, instinct may tell you to take a long, deep breath.

It turns out that instinct was correct. Deep breathing exercises, according to Harvard Health, might help you relax.

8. Acknowledge the Happy Moments

Although having a cheerful attitude is generally beneficial, awful things do happen to everyone. It's simply a fact of life.

Don't try to pretend to be joyful if you've received terrible news, made a mistake, or simply feel down.

Recognize your feelings of unhappiness and allow yourself to feel them for a moment. Then turn your attention to what caused you to feel this way and what it might take to get back on track.

9. Keep a Journal 

A notebook is an excellent tool for organizing your thoughts, analyzing your emotions, and making plans. You don't have to be a literary genius or a prolific writer to reap the benefits.

It might be as basic as scribbling down a few ideas before retiring for the night. If writing down certain things makes you nervous, you can simply trash it once you're done. It's the method that matters.

10. Face Stress Head-on 

Stressors abound in life, and it's hard to avoid them completely.

It's not necessary. Stress isn't necessarily damaging, according to Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal, and we can even change our opinions about it. Find out more about the benefits of stress.

For those pressures you can't avoid, remember that everyone experiences stress; there's no reason to believe it's all your fault.

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