Music Review: Ed Sheeran's "=" Album by Esmeralda Gomez

Music Review: Ed Sheeran's "=" Album

A while back ago I wrote about Ed Sheeran’s single “Bad Habits” and how it debuts his new music era. So now that his = album has been out for some time, I want to come back to him and review his work. I had suggested his new album will be electronic music since “Bad Habits” resembles techno. This was basically a guess, but I didn’t expect to get it right. Yet despite this new change in genre, there are echoes of his past self, which is symbolized in the equal sign for his music and life. “An equals symbol is the end of a question and start of an answer, it’s in the middle of the two. I definitely feel like being 30 I’m on either side.”

The Mitchells Vs. The Machines: The Critique About Technology by Esmeralda Gomez

The Mitchells Vs. The Machines: The Critique About Technology

The Mitchells vs. The Machines is a beautiful movie with various types of art styles, family-themed, and has queer representation with funny characters. And while I want to give more reasons to watch the movie, I’d like to talk about something else- the critique it offers about technology. Throughout the movie, we see the family theme focus on the father and daughter with Rick and Katie since their relationship isn’t that great. It is known through a series of photos that they don’t get along, and later we understand that technology is the problem since she always has her phone in her hand.

3 Reasons To Read The Webtoon "I Love Yoo" by Esmeralda Gomez

3 Reasons To Read The Webtoon "I Love Yoo"

When I read I Love Yoo, I was trying to decipher what type of love was occurring and where it was going to go until I realized I was taking away the story’s value of what it had to offer me- the human experience of trying to make deep connections with others while having trauma. But fair warning: It might appear like True Beauty, but the two webtoons are really different. Most people who see parallels between the stories only view it from the “love triangle” angle that True Beauty establishes, but that does not exist in I Love Yoo. I say this because this was the headspace I was stuck in when I focused on the “romance” that was occurring that made me miss the story’s value.

How Venom Is Eddie's Shadow Self by Esmeralda Gomez

How Venom Is Eddie's Shadow Self

In the craft of storytelling, there’s this thing called the "shadow," which is essentially a character that the “hero” has to confront if they want to overcome an obstacle, achieve growth, and reach their goals. The character is often a “villain,” but they embody the problematic parts that belong to the hero, which get ignored by subconscious suppression. But the term "shadow" came from Carl Jung's work in psychology and his concept of “shadow work” which was built from Freud's work on repression. If you’re unfamiliar with the “shadow self,” know that it is the self that’s suppressed from the conscious mind. This is because the shadow self is the negative emotions, thoughts, and behavior that a person is unaware of because they don’t want the negative traits associated with them, but they can surface when a person is triggered. But because they suppress their shadow self so much, they won’t remember their hurtful actions or words after the triggering event has passed.

The Best Version Of The Legend Of La Llorona by Esmeralda Gomez

The Best Version Of The Legend Of La Llorona

Growing up, I knew La Llorona as a wailing woman who drowned her children. My dad would dismiss the stories saying the cries heard in Mexico were simply cats. He told me this the first time I was exposed to her story, seeing no need to scare me into behaving since Catholicism did that too much- which he tried limiting my exposure from. But as much as I want to credit him for my logical and realistic mind, I’m here to tell you which version of La Llorona is best to tell. Throughout South America, Mexico, and the Southwest of the United States there are regional variations of La Llorona. Yet despite them, the most famous tale from them is that La Llorona was a beautiful peasant woman who married a rich ranchero. They’re said to have lived happily with children until her husband brought home another woman and condemned her and his children back into poverty.

How Coraline Jones And Jack Skellington Are Similar by Esmeralda Gomez

How Coraline Jones And Jack Skellington Are Similar

You may have heard this already, but the Tim Burton film The Nightmare Before Christmas displays cultural appropriation and capitalist exploitation. This is bad, but this happens from Jack's existential crisis that comes from his inability to appreciate his life after living the same way for so many years. And in a way, he’s not so different from Coraline. You might think I’m crazy, but hear me out. When Coraline is bored, she explores. She meets her neighbors out of boredom instead of curiosity and interest in who they are and their lives. In the book, she does this a lot since Wybie doesn’t exist, though even when the movie occupies her time with Wybie, she tolerates him out of boredom in the beginning until the trouble is stirred up with the beldam.

What Is The Meaning Of True Friendship In Today's Reality by Eglant Hoxhulka

What Is The Meaning Of True Friendship In Today's Reality

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle Friends are just much important as family. Our parents and siblings make the first and most important family, while friends are considered the second one, due to the role they have in our life and wellbeing. With friends we grow together, share an important part of our life, our successes, and failure, our joys, and sorrows, we learn and enjoy life by living with friends. According to Japanese customs, family is considered the bond between people with similar commitments and who very likely will have the same destiny. A very short definition offriendship is "a relationship of mutual affection between two people."

Why Students  Can't Succeed Without The Right Motivation by Eglant Hoxhulka

Why Students Can't Succeed Without The Right Motivation

Achievement motivation is considered to be the need every human being has in order to achieve anything in life. It is the persistence for making one's aspiration, ambitions, and dreams come true, putting all the efforts into the performance to receive an evaluation according to certain standards of excellence. This sort of behavior is known as achievement-oriented. Such motivation comes from knowing your responsibilities and the outcomes when failure or success is all the result of your efforts. The main goal is to succeed, to give the best of your abilities regarding the standards of excellence when you compete with others. This topic has become of great concern in all walks of life and human activities, from education to industry, sociology, and enterprising activities. Historians, economists, and others who are interested in economic development are interested in this issue as well.

Eglant Hoxhulka
stories . 17 min read
An Undecided Fate by Alyssa Hubbard

An Undecided Fate

Decisions. Although many of the decisions you make seem to have little effect on your life, they may just flip your entire world upside down. What you once knew, what you were once comfortable with could be gone the instant a decision is made. My awareness of this does not help the fact that I am very indecisive. As each day passes, I grow more fearful that I will make the wrong move and screw myself over for the next 50 or so years of my existence. This weight is too heavy and I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it- “Are you gonna order or what?” “Huh?” I blinked.

Alyssa Hubbard
stories . 10 min read
The Philosophy Of Names In The Movie Coraline by Esmeralda Gomez

The Philosophy Of Names In The Movie Coraline

When I first saw the movie Coraline, I was horrified by the creepiness, so I made sure to never watch it again. But I saw it as a child, so of course, I was scared. However, as an adult, it’s still terrifying, which I respect and love. Because of this, I read the book and there’s something I noticed that makes me love the written story more- the motif of names with identity and listening. It sounds weird, but there’s a philosophy behind names and identity. I kid you not, there’s literal philosophy about names and their semantics. But don’t worry, I won’t bore you with the theories and their technicality.

Key Role Of Motivation In Leading You To Your Dream Life by Eglant Hoxhulka

Key Role Of Motivation In Leading You To Your Dream Life

Motivation is an important element in all walks of life without which all human activities would cease to exist. Human beings are driven by the motivation to succeed in life and live their lives trying to fulfill their dreams, goals, and aspirations. These factors, when they become reality, are the ones that make people's life meaningful. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, motivation is defined as the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something. It's the act or process of motivating someone. The impetus that gives purpose or direction to behavior and operates in humans at a conscious or unconscious level.

Eglant Hoxhulka
wellness . 17 min read
How To Help A Family Member Through A Stressful Life Situation by Eglant Hoxhulka

How To Help A Family Member Through A Stressful Life Situation

Stress is an undeniable fact that plays a crucial role in our life, an unavoidable reality we have to accept if we want to live our lives meaningfully. It is a normal part of our lives, we deal with it every day. According to the NIMH National Insitute of Mental Health, stress is the way our body reacts to any demands. It comes in many different forms, amounts, and situations. People experience stress differently from one another. Stress may be triggered by small events, like traffic jams, a long line at the store, or it can be the outcome of a crisis or big change in life like the death of a loved one, divorce, the pandemic, etc.

Eglant Hoxhulka
wellness . 12 min read
The Philosophy Of The Movie "Free Guy": On Reality, Purpose, And Change by Esmeralda Gomez

The Philosophy Of The Movie "Free Guy": On Reality, Purpose, And Change

Most simulation movies have taken place in video games as our favorite idea from our technological advancement.However, they’ve involved humans living in videos games, like Ready Player One. Even the Japanese show Sword Art Online centers on living in a video game. But in Free Guy, Guy belongs to a video game as an NPC. This idea is new to the gaming genre but not new to The Truman Show. If you haven’t seen the movie, The Truman Show is about a man named Truman discovering that his world is artificial by making connections that he’s on a live tv show. At the end of the movie, Truman escapes the show to enter reality, which is an option Guy doesn’t have since he artificially belongs to the game Free City as an NPC. In other words, as movies have played with the simulation theory itself, Free Guy has played with the idea of being fake instead.

How Is Your Mental Health Linked With Your Physical Health And Vice Versa by Eglant Hoxhulka

How Is Your Mental Health Linked With Your Physical Health And Vice Versa

What is mental health? According to World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is defined as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life and develop his full potential, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community." It is totally normal for mentally healthy people to also feel sadness, anger, or unhappiness, which are the core components of a meaningful life. Nevertheless, a good state of mental health quite often is considered as a positive state of mind, filled with happiness, and being in control over the situation and environment.

Eglant Hoxhulka
wellness . 15 min read
Why Is "Sex Education" The Best Teen Show On Netflix by Esmeralda Gomez

Why Is "Sex Education" The Best Teen Show On Netflix

Sex Education is a Netflix original show that’s British. It’s perfect for teens because it deconstructs American cliche narratives by fleshing out each character three-dimensionally and dynamically while exploring themes on self-discovery, human connection, and sex. Note that because the show involves sex, there is nudity. So if that’s not something you can tolerate, I don’t recommend this show. Though, if you’re on the fence about it, I recommend trying to overlook that aspect since the stories are irreplaceable and invaluable. Here’s why Sex Education Is The Best Teen Show

Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution by Sheila D.

Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution

Remember the days when women were fired for being pregnant? Girls refused admission to colleges because they were female? Separate employment sections in the paper for males and females? Neither do I. History tends to whitewash or misrepresent the plight of females throughout history. Bra burning is a myth that emerged during a protest at the Miss America contest in the fall of 1968. Women were rebelling against the idea of being put on a pedestal to please men based on their beauty. The “Freedom Trash Can” set in front of the contest encouraged women to burn items that were deemed “instruments of torture,” including high heels, girdles, and yes, bras- among other things.

Sheila D.
lifestyle . 6 min read
How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety Caused By Work From Home by Eglant Hoxhulka

How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety Caused By Work From Home

With the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, everyone's life underwent a dramatic change across the world, the US included. The work sector made no difference, this pandemic forced people and governments to take precautions they never thought of. Although some of us went back to our normal workplace, many Americans are dealing with a return phase or still working from home. Due to this pandemic, people feel like going through unexplored waters, forcing people, governments, and businesses to find new methods to continue working and interacting with one another, but without forgetting to take care of themselves, their mental health, and general well-being.

Why A Little Bit Of Stress Is Good For You To Develop Your Full Potential by Eglant Hoxhulka

Why A Little Bit Of Stress Is Good For You To Develop Your Full Potential

Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, which may be closely related to a particular situation or event. Our body's reactions can be physical, mental, or emotional. Being under a lot of pressure, e.g, situations when you have a lot to think and deal about, or not having enough control over what's happening. So far there is not a clear-cut medical definition of stress and scientist have not reached a common conclusion if stress is the reason for problems or the result of them. When stress happens, it is trying to say that something requires our attention and that we must take action. Our bodies are created in a way to experience stress and respond to it while we panic.

Eglant Hoxhulka
wellness . 14 min read
How Parents Can Help Teens Manage Their Exam Stress by Eglant Hoxhulka

How Parents Can Help Teens Manage Their Exam Stress

The wish of every parent for their child is to have success in life and fulfill his dreams. Children and teenagers face challenges to overcome during the road to progress, but it is important to remember that whatever duty or task a teen may face, it carries a considerable amount of stress for them. But what is stress? Stress is our body's response to pressure. There are various situations or life events that trigger stress. It happens when we are faced with something new, unknown, which is a threat to ourselves, or if we have no control over something. In such cases, adrenaline is released which raises heart and breathing rate. Our muscles become tense and we are in a state of alertness.

Eglant Hoxhulka
wellness . 14 min read
Radical Feminism: The Intimates Of Man And Woman by Saira V Ramjit

Radical Feminism: The Intimates Of Man And Woman

In a world of society that governs Man and Woman by the roles that they play; the man plays the husbands, fathers, boyfriends, brothers, lovers, friends, and yes, the hunters and the woman play the wives, mothers, mistresses, girlfriends, sisters, and friends. It is often wondered why there has always been a hidden imbalance about the way men and women coexist and live together in a less happy world where the Women's Rights Movements had to be made to provoke the acknowledgment of the rights of women to stand side by side by their men or men in general. The question is why men and women in society rank so unequal in both their professional and personal lives that the word Feminism was invented.

Saira V Ramjit
stories . 9 min read
Here Is Why "The Kissing Booth" Film Series Is Problematic by Esmeralda Gomez

Here Is Why "The Kissing Booth" Film Series Is Problematic

The Kissing Booth 3 is the third and final installment of the film series, The Kissing Booth, so the franchise is being obsessed over by fans as it comes to an end. If you haven’t seen any of the films, you might get drawn into watching them from their hype. But I’m here to tell you not to watch them! And if you’ve seen them, I’m here to tell you why the franchise is problematic. Though, before getting into it, I’d like to note that I’m guilty of enjoying the first film until the second was released. I couldn’t put my finger on the red flags at the time, but the more I thought about them, the more I learned why I hated this franchise. With that said, don’t be ashamed if you didn’t notice these problems either!

8 Reasons Why The FX Show "Pose" Deserves More Attention by Esmeralda Gomez

8 Reasons Why The FX Show "Pose" Deserves More Attention

When the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ community are presented in film and tv, they’re either supporting or minor characters that get killed off, stereotyped, or simply underdeveloped. But Pose has a special place in LGBTQ+ history since the story is about ballroom culture in the trans community during the 80s in New York with a specific focus on Black and Latina women. So throughout the seasons, we get to witness them trying to live their best lives, despite their hardships with the AIDS epidemic and discrimination. The show is then about trans history and their struggles during this time period, but it’s also about the hope and love that make them strong and resilient.Though, other reasons make this show great.

On Her Wedding Day by Saira V Ramjit

On Her Wedding Day

Looking at herself in the mirror was a woman enjoying a bright sunny morning with tranquility enveloping her heart and mind. Her long wedding dress that was hard to find was chosen to adorn her bridal body was delicate, strong details outlining every curve and space of choice she took towards this path of matrimony. Every part of her was covered with a hint of passion and promise that she turns to the side to see that her train was long, white, and traditional of her parents as she on this day begins her own. Her shoes were a clip-pity clap of joy to the entire whimsical event as she imagined running to the man who she knows will feed, protect and defend her honor from this day forth.

Saira V Ramjit
stories . 2 min read
6 Native American Books To Read In Order To Support BIPOC Artists And Anthologies by Esmeralda Gomez

6 Native American Books To Read In Order To Support BIPOC Artists And Anthologies

When it comes to supporting BIPOC artists, it can be difficult to know where to start. I personally had a hard time searching for contemporary Native authors that wrote science fiction or fantasy. However, I eventually came across a group of books that I read and loved. Sadly, they’re not as widely known as they should be. So if you’re having a hard time finding a good read, here’s my personal and recommended list of Native stories, but note that most of them are anthologies. Love Beyond Body Space and Time is a science fiction and fantasy anthology with LGBTQ+ characters in interactional stories written by Indigenous authors. In “Imposter Syndrome” by Mari Kurisato, Aanji is an AI in the process of transitioning as a human, which parallels the trans journey of hormone therapy and plastic surgery.

The Symbolism And Influence Of The Netflix Series "Money Heist" by Esmeralda Gomez

The Symbolism And Influence Of The Netflix Series "Money Heist"

There are movies and shows like Ocean’s Eleven, or Now You See Me about heists for personal gain by stealing banks and casinos. Some add a Robin Hood element, making them political action films, but they still steal from businesses. Money Heist doesn’t do this; instead, they directly take money from the government by breaking into and create one billion euros in the mint of Spain to escape the country and gain financial freedom. It’s stated in season two by The Professor to Raquel that the government has repeatedly poofed money into the hands of the rich during economic crises while the working class suffered. The government wasn’t called thieves nor punished for their corruption, so he’s doing the same. In particular, he says, and I quote:

How To Identify Your Core Beliefs About Your Self-worth by Emily Zane

How To Identify Your Core Beliefs About Your Self-worth

We’re here to talk about all things self-worth, from what it means and how to define it, to how it presents itself, why self-worth looks different for different people, and we’ll explore the reasons behind why we believe the things we believe about ourselves and how those beliefs got there. If you have access to social media and use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.; if you watch network TV programs or stream popular shows on Netflix and Hulu; if you flip through lifestyle magazines while waiting at the doctor’s office, chances are you’ve at the very least seen or heard the term “self-worth.”

Emily Zane
wellness . 6 min read
14 Self-empowering Beliefs That Will Strengthen Your Self-identity by Emily Zane

14 Self-empowering Beliefs That Will Strengthen Your Self-identity

As children, we are each taught stories that are unique to us; we are told who we are, what we are, where we’re going, what we’re going to measure up to, who we will be. As children, we are young, malleable, thirsty sponges that soak up the things we’re told. Many of the details that make up these stories are determined by our parents, guardians, culture, demographic, or life circumstances. Our environments and the people in our environments impress their beliefs of who and what we are upon us. Everyone begins life as an infant with an infant brain that develops with time and experience. We start with absolutely zero knowledge of ourselves and the world around us; we absorb the information fed to us and we trust that those older and wiser truly are wiser.

Emily Zane
wellness . 10 min read
3  Reasons Why "The Suicide Squad" Is Better Than "Suicide Squad" by Esmeralda Gomez

3 Reasons Why "The Suicide Squad" Is Better Than "Suicide Squad"

The film Suicide Squad (2016) was hyped up from its premise, actors, brand, and studio company, making it successful in the box office. However, it left DC fans disappointed. Now in 2021, there’s a new film called The Suicide Squad. What’s up with that? And I’m with you; I was equally confused by the title. These days franchises avoid placing numbers in their titles, so it comes across as a reboot or sequel. But it’s neither. According to James Gunn, The Suicide Squad is a stand-alone film. James Gunn was initially hired by Warner Brothers to write a Superman movie. But he had a particular interest in “The Suicide Squad” comics, specifically with John Ostrander's version and his idea of the villains being disposable. How’s the film not a reboot then? Because the multiverse exists. Yet some features make it sound like a sequel.

The Top 10 Ways You Can Embrace And Celebrate Who You Are by Emily Zane

The Top 10 Ways You Can Embrace And Celebrate Who You Are

From our earliest childhood memories to the times in adulthood that leave the deepest impressions on us, society has seemingly written our story for us. Society’s story unfolds in a way that is often out of our realm of control. It is written time and time again that unless we fit a certain mold, we are worthless. Unless we look or act a certain way or come from a certain background, we are different, weird, and unworthy of care and attention. Society tells us what we are, and then society tells us what we should be and what we should strive for, pointing out all our flaws and imperfections along the way.

Emily Zane
wellness . 10 min read
How To Be A Low-Key Creep While Talking To Your Crush by Mia Belgie

How To Be A Low-Key Creep While Talking To Your Crush

Have you ever had a crush that just doesn't seem to take a hint? Follow these steps and he's sure to notice you! Look him up on social media and check it regularly. This is always the first step because social media will tell you a lot about a person, and if he’s already taken, you don’t want to be wasting your time. Pay attention to his timeline, notice how he shares political commentary but spaced out between funny memes; clever. He wants to show he stays relevant but doesn’t want to overdo it. Scroll past the pictures of him and his guy friends, but notice how one of them is actually really cute. Stop at the pictures with a skinny blonde girl making duck faces; a false alarm, it’s his friend from high school. Whew, that was close.

"Educating" In Education Is Like Reading, There Are So Many Broad Grey Areas by Saira V Ramjit

"Educating" In Education Is Like Reading, There Are So Many Broad Grey Areas

The standards of education have dramatically changed since the last year 2020 where the methods of meeting in a classroom with a teacher and having an interaction with other students have now been challenged and transformed to remote learning. According to Andy Lalwani's,The Most Popular education trends in 2021is the fact that students will be able to learn faster which will make them smarter to be far more effective in determining the career path, however, teachers need to be more willing to accept not only the constant demands and growth of technology but how to use their classroom in a whole new way which includes helpful steps to make a positive learning environment educational.

Saira V Ramjit
stories . 4 min read
12 Books To Read If You Are OBSESSED With Tudor History by Kathlyn King

12 Books To Read If You Are OBSESSED With Tudor History

As a descendant of Owen Tudor and the Tudor Dynasty of England, family drama kind of runs in the blood. My ancient family’s drama has been so tantalizing juicy that it still captivates and demands attention 500 years after these events have played out. As a lover of all things history, especially in Tudor England, I am blessed with the fact that so many people are also obsessed with Tudor drama. So much so, that this obsession has given us countless books, movies, and tv shows that feed us entertainment about Britain’s most iconic and infamous dysfunctional dynasty.

7 Reasons Why Everyone Loves Lore Olympus by Esmeralda Gomez

7 Reasons Why Everyone Loves Lore Olympus

From among the myths of ancient times, Greek Mythology is the most famous and well-known pagan pantheon from being depicted in films. Although, the stories the film industry tells are either about legends or events of the war. Because of this, they don’t show the true personalities of the Greek gods. One of the most famous stories is “Hercules” by Disney, which has shaped some people’s views on certain gods that are false from the narrative of many myths. But a famous webtoon called “Lore Olympus” has gained popularity doing the opposite. Instead of smudging the truth, the author of “Lore Olympus,” Rachel Smythe, writes a modern retelling of the Hades and Persephone myth where (most of) the gods involved have the personalities from their original myths while humanizing them, making the story perfect for mythology junkies.

Let's Talk About Racism And Critical Race Theory by Saira V Ramjit

Let's Talk About Racism And Critical Race Theory

I studied Global studies in my high school and it was all written in those textbooks that talked about Colonialism and Imperialism, slavery and it did not just end with Black slaves but of the Native Americans too. Why not talk about what made Thanksgiving Days so important in American History if not for them? Every moment in our history has good and bad in it, that is why monuments and holidays are made. I want to talk about Critical Race theory because it is important to be open to all parts of life that a White boy, a Black boy, an Asian girl, and an Indian boy would not know about.

Saira V Ramjit
stories . 6 min read
Why "A Quiet Place" Is Not A Political But A Family Film by Saira V Ramjit

Why "A Quiet Place" Is Not A Political But A Family Film

While the actress playing the heroine in the Horror movie,A Quiet Place 2was pleased about reprising her role as Regan Abbott, she was nervous about finding a leader in herself. As she begins to rethink the relationship between herself and her father who has now died saving her brother and herself in the first film "A Quiet Place" - on how he would help the family survive the world if he was still alive. Her character then finds herself in a situation where she tries to push Emeritt, a family friend to help her find a way to save her family from the monsters. A Quiet Placeis a movie about a family living in a world filled with these monsters that hunt by sounds so they must live in complete silence which we now understand in A Quiet Place 2came from outer space. A Youtube video by The Take called Is A Quiet Place Political?

Easy To Learn Cakes For Half The Price by Sara

Easy To Learn Cakes For Half The Price

Cakes are an intricate part of the celebration; whether it be birthday celebrations, graduation ceremonies, or weddings. There is always a center table with a cake sitting pretty on it. Because cakes have high demand, prices are bound to be high or vary depending on size, flavour, and design. For this reason, it is more cost-effective for one to learn how to decorate a cake. This post will feature achievable designs that are pocket-friendly. I have compiled a few videos that I think are concise, and explain how to easily go about various cake designs. Therefore the tutorial would be practical rather than textual for enhanced comprehension and remembrance. The first tutorial starts in 5...,4...,3...,2...Start Piping!

lifestyle . 1 min read
Put Ping-Pong On The Prescription Pad:  A Surprising Drug-free Alternative For Help In Managing Depression, Dementia, And Parkinson's Symptoms by Leslie M. Levy

Put Ping-Pong On The Prescription Pad: A Surprising Drug-free Alternative For Help In Managing Depression, Dementia, And Parkinson's Symptoms

It was heartbreaking to watch. A relative's mental health and overall wellbeing began to deteriorate rapidly following her husband's death from cancer. It was hard enough to see her struggle during her spouse's prolonged illness. But losing him, as well as dealing with other physical ailments of her own, was enough to catapult her into a severe depression. Despite repeated attempts to alleviate her symptoms (including several antidepressants, ECT treatments, and hospitalizations), she continued to wrestle with depression for years on end. I visited her on different occasions. Each time after my visit, when the heaviness in my chest became tolerable, my mind kicked into high gear. What else would help? What other options were there? Was there something the doctors had missed? Was there some answer located outside of the box that we hadn't yet discovered?

Double The Stigma: Hypersexuality In Bipolar Illness And How To Manage It by Leslie M. Levy

Double The Stigma: Hypersexuality In Bipolar Illness And How To Manage It

Imagine the following scenario. A petite woman with dark hair and a wounded expression in her eyes suddenly buries her face in her hands and starts to cry. "What's wrong?" her friend asks. "Eric cheated on me. I found him in bed with my friend's younger sister. He told me two days ago that he loved me and would never do anything to hurt me. He went on and on about how beautiful I was. He stayed up all night writing me poems about his undying love for me. Wrote me 12 sonnets. Told me how he worshipped the ground I stood on." "He's crazy that boyfriend of yours. Isn't he the one with bipolar?"

Leslie M. Levy
wellness . 11 min read
Does Talking About Taboo Topics Bring Shame Or Liberation? by Leslie M. Levy

Does Talking About Taboo Topics Bring Shame Or Liberation?

I have an unforgettable memory. I was at my best friend's house with my sister for a slumber party (the most audacious, wild discussions always happen at slumber parties for some reason). We were 11 years old, the three of us, just before puberty hit. But for some inexplicable reason, we were all a bit precocious, at least as far as our bodies were concerned. In our awkward naive way, all three of us had experienced the awakening of our sexuality. We hardly had the words for it. “I touch myself.” “I touch myself all the time when I wash my face in the shower when I pull out an eyelash...”

The Number One Thing To Keep In Mind When It Comes To Your Self-worth by Emily Zane

The Number One Thing To Keep In Mind When It Comes To Your Self-worth

Social media is constantly throwing the term “self-worth” at us from every direction on a daily basis. We see it in our Instagram newsfeed, we see it trending on Twitter, and we see it highlighted through shared links and content on Facebook. When we think about self-worth, self-care typically comes to mind. Our minds drift to bubble baths with fizzy bath bombs, face masks that penetrate our pores, pampering manicures and pedicures, and indulgent massages that leave us feeling whole and rested. While these acts are only a single facet of self-care, they don’t necessarily fall under the category of self-worth. These two words may belong to the same family, but they are not interchangeable.

Emily Zane
wellness . 6 min read
Netflix’s “Sweet Tooth” Makes A Better Environmental Statement Than The Comic Book by Esmeralda Gomez

Netflix’s “Sweet Tooth” Makes A Better Environmental Statement Than The Comic Book

The Netflix series “Sweet Tooth” and comic book have two different origin stories with two different purposes of ‘The Sick.’ In the show, it’s an environmental statement, but in the comic, it’s an act of revenge. In the show, we learn that Pubba and Bear believe the virus is Nature’s way of healing herself from humans’ destruction. And that the hybrid children are supposed to rise and become the new inhabitants of Earth. But without their expression, this would be a common belief among the audience since our reduced activity has reduced air and water pollution during the pandemic. It didn’t reset Earth, but we saw her revive a bit.

Job-hopping For Mental Health, Be Free From Ties And Explore Different Lives by Sara Piselli Giunchi

Job-hopping For Mental Health, Be Free From Ties And Explore Different Lives

Have you ever felt stuck in your daily routine, felt a massive weight on your shoulders, and experienced huge swing moods (usually between extremely bored and overwhelmed by your tasks)? Have you ever wished to experience another way of living? Then, welcome to the club. Just ask around you or look at the faces of the people on the metro: what do you think they’ll tell you? I hate my job. Boss. Workmates. Whatever: the point is that they have had enough. I have got two words for you: job-hopping. That is to say, the art of changing the workplace every so often. Let’s answer a few questions that I have been asked throughout the years about my job-hopping.

How Flowers And Dinner Ruin A First Date by Sara Piselli Giunchi

How Flowers And Dinner Ruin A First Date

Considering how hard it is to find someone to actually want to go out of our comfort zone with, we definitely need to establish some ground rules. Do not surprise me with flowers. We do not know each other yet; what if I am allergic? Or if I am one of those people who believe the ripping from Mother Earth is the same as murder? Furthermore, I do not know how am I supposed to react. Of course, being well-raised and all I will smile, thank you, and accept the bouquet (what else would anyone do, really?); but inside my head, there would be turmoil and confusion. What year is it, did I travel back in time?

How To Overcome External And Internal Factors Affecting Our Mood by Rhyan Kelly

How To Overcome External And Internal Factors Affecting Our Mood

Sometimes life can get us down a bit. We can wake up on a dreary Sunday morning and just not feel ourselves. Of course, it's more realistic to assume that we will not always be 100%, but what are the reasons for this and how can we overcome them? We can buy piles upon piles of self-help books, reading through them for the holistic and all-curing answer to our dread, but sometimes it's not always there. The first major factor in attribution to our mood is the environment. This covers a fairly broad spectrum of factors here, such as the weather, lighting, room temperature, and surrounding noise.

Rhyan Kelly
wellness . 7 min read
The Five Key Reasons Why You Have A Low Sense Of Self-worth by Emily Zane

The Five Key Reasons Why You Have A Low Sense Of Self-worth

Self-worth is a concept that’s gained traction and notoriety over the years, increasingly so with the wave of self-care that’s impressed itself upon society by the Millennial and Gen Z generations. We see ads and commercials imploring us regularly to practice appropriate self-care in order to fuel and nurture our self-worth, but before buying into the message, we first need to examine what it means to have self-worth. Before we can dive into the reasons why someone’s concept of self-worth may be lacking, we must first explore and define the term itself. Self-worth is the way you view yourself; it is how you see your value and worth in the world.

Emily Zane
wellness . 8 min read
Solutions To Common Excuses That Are Stopping You From Moving Out Of Your Parents' House by Zachary Buttram

Solutions To Common Excuses That Are Stopping You From Moving Out Of Your Parents' House

Whether you are 18 or 38, if you haven't moved out of your parents' house yet, the idea has undoubtedly crossed your mind. Maybe you have a toxic home life or simply want to gain independence. The problem is, whenever the thought pops into your head, it feels more like a fantasy or a dream, rather than something achievable. When the thought of moving out enters your head, what you tell yourself about the possibility of achieving it is vital to your success. Here are solutions to 13 excuses that prevent you from moving out of your parents' house. It will never seem financially viable to move out at a young age. The fact of the matter is, this is a lie that you are telling yourself which prevents you from actually succeeding. Take it from me, I moved out at the ripe age of 21. I was a full-time college student with only a part-time job getting paid minimum wage ($11 an hour at the time). And the cherry on top is that I live in one of the most expensive states in America... California!

15 HAUNTINGLY Good Haunts In Savannah, Georgia by Kathlyn King

15 HAUNTINGLY Good Haunts In Savannah, Georgia

As a born and bred South Georgian, who has been to Savannah more times than I can recall, and as a lover of all things paranormal and spooky, there are few places I love more than this city. The hostess city doesn’t just host thousands upon thousands of tourists and locals with good food, beautiful architecture, and southern hospitality; it is also the permanent home to countless souls who are bound to loom over its squares, streets, taverns, inns, and halls for eternity. Why is Savannah claimed to be one of the most haunted cities in the United States? Founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe, the city of Savannah has been no stranger to death, disease, and siege for almost 300 years of its existence.

30 Reasons Why Asheville, North Carolina Should Be On Your Vacation Bucket List by Kathlyn King

30 Reasons Why Asheville, North Carolina Should Be On Your Vacation Bucket List

Asheville is a beautiful and shining gem tucked away in the Smokey Mountains. I love Asheville, North Carolina. I have grown older and experienced the beauty that is in and around Asheville multiple times I took my first trip up to Asheville in 2005 when I was 12 years old. I have always loved the mountains, and we had taken many trips to the Smokey Mountains as a family before then. But going to Asheville for the first time offered completely new experiences for me and my family. There are many reasons why Asheville keeps me entranced and coming back. Here are 30 things to do while vacationing in Asheville, North Carolina.

Kathlyn King
lifestyle . 21 min read
Netflix’s Comedy Special "Inside" Is A Chaotic Reflection Of 2020 by Esmeralda Gomez

Netflix’s Comedy Special "Inside" Is A Chaotic Reflection Of 2020

Written, directed, and edited by Bo Burnham throughout the pandemic, “Inside” is a comedic film that features songs and bits about his isolation and mental health, which captures how a majority of people felt during the pandemic. But 2020 was more than the pandemic. After the death of George Floyd and the BLM protects, there has been a stream of activism on social media of BIPOC influencers educating about systemic racism, toxic masculinity, misogyny, colonization, and so much more. Some people have been enlightened, while others choose to be ignorant and gaslight activists and allies. However, some people aren’t quite enlightened and do performative activism, which is done by “allies” to be a part of the “trend.” These people have been overwhelmingly White. Because of this, Bo Burnham’s “Inside” also has songs and bits that mock the White lens and their response to social issues.

8 Hints On Being Mindfully Childfree by Sara Piselli Giunchi

8 Hints On Being Mindfully Childfree

The term “childfree" is fairly recent, but it’s getting more and more popular as an increasing number of people are choosing not to have children. Not because they can’t or they’re “selfish” as society believes them to be, but for many different reasons that need to be heard and respected by those who leave their legacy on this planet through procreation. Being myself in the first category, I’ve laid down a few points. Is being a mum the best thing in the world? “I am so tired!” whispers with tears in her eyes one of the mothers in the childcare where I work. She’s at her second child, a baby and a toddler, and somehow looking forward to going back to work as her maternity leave will end soon.

Sustainable Fashion: Everything You Need To Know by Aditi Bhatla

Sustainable Fashion: Everything You Need To Know

Our Instagram feeds are bombarded with posts about how sustainability is the need of the hour and after a couple of minutes, we are pinged with an email alerting us about the new collection of some fast fashion brand. The number of clothes being termed as 'sustainable' has almost quadrupled, so much so, that the word 'sustainability' has seemed to lose all its meaning. But do we even understand what sustainable fashion is, or are we merely hopping on the trend train? In the present landscape, sustainability refers to the general capacity for human civilization to co-exist with the earth's biosphere, without compromising the needs of the generations to come.

Aditi Bhatla
fashion . 16 min read
10 Ways You Can Express Your Individuality Every Day by Emily Zane

10 Ways You Can Express Your Individuality Every Day

Getting stuck in the day-to-day monotony and humdrum of everyday life is a trap that we all fall into. As adults, we tend to allow our unique qualities and quirks to fade into the background of our daily life, living in ways that leave us lackluster and without spark. As children, we are taught the importance of expressing ourselves. We are taught to know our favorite color, favorite animal, and favorite song at a young age, and we ingrain these things inside ourselves, allowing them to manifest into qualities that make us who we are. However, as we grow up, we lose these qualities that make us unique.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 9 min read
8 Important Reasons Why You Need To Set Boundaries With Yourself And Others by Emily Zane

8 Important Reasons Why You Need To Set Boundaries With Yourself And Others

It’s safe to say that many of us have been in a situation or two throughout our lives where we didn’t have appropriately firm boundaries in place. We’ve all experienced circumstances in which boundaries were too lax, too rigid, or completely non-existent. Depending on the situation, boundaries are invisible or physical barriers we set in place to protect ourselves and others. This includes boundaries we establish in conversations, relationships, and physical and emotional interactions. If you are attempting to safeguard yourself against an emotional conversation with someone, you may put a time limit on the conversation as a boundary.

This Is Lovecraft Country: A Deep Dive Into The World Of The Best-selling Book And Hit HBO Series by Joseph Poulos

This Is Lovecraft Country: A Deep Dive Into The World Of The Best-selling Book And Hit HBO Series

Matt Ruff's 2016 novel Lovecraft Country was renowned for its sci-fi originality and its unforgiving take on racism in the 1950s. It was so successful that it was made into an equally-acclaimed streaming series on HBO Max. The series starred Jurnee Smollett and Jonathan Majors in the lead roles. It was produced by some huge names such as JJ Abrams, Jordan Peele, and Misha Green. Although both the novel and the series feature monsters and ideas from H.P. Lovecraft's iconic bibliography, they also center on fantastical cults as well as hot takes on racism from the era of segregation. Fans of the series who have not read the book may wonder what the similarities between the two actually are.

All About Jonathan Franzen's Next Big Release  "Crossroads" by Joseph Poulos

All About Jonathan Franzen's Next Big Release "Crossroads"

Jonathan Franzen is one of the most revered writers of the 21st century. Author of the legendary 2001 novel The Corrections, considered by many to be his magnum opus, he was also called "Great American Novelist" by Time Magazine.The Corrections earned him a National Book Award as well as earning him a spot on the shortlists for the Pulitzer Prize. After this, Franzen continued his success with his 2010 novel Freedom, as well as 2015'sPurity, all of which have had critical and commercial success unrivaled by his contemporaries. Many have wondered what is next for this prolific author's career. He is scheduled to release his next book,Crossroads on October 5th, 2021.

If You're Struggling In Your Eating Disorder Recovery, Remember These 10 Things by Emily Zane

If You're Struggling In Your Eating Disorder Recovery, Remember These 10 Things

Eating disorders are the leading cause of death among all mental illnesses, including depression. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), approximately 10,200 eating disorder-related deaths occur every year in America. There are many different classifications of eating disorders, ranging from Anorexia Nervosa to Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Bulimia Nervosa, Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS), and everything in between. An eating disorder is an unhealthy preoccupation with food. This can include over-eating, under-eating, eating only specific foods, avoiding certain foods, over-exercising to compensate for eating, purging meals out of fear of weight gain and fullness, obsessively measuring food, having food rituals and rules, and an array of other aversions to food and eating.

Emily Zane
wellness . 9 min read
Everything You Need To Know About Paul Thomas Anderson's Next Film Soggy Bottom Starring Bradley Cooper by Joseph Poulos

Everything You Need To Know About Paul Thomas Anderson's Next Film Soggy Bottom Starring Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper's most recent success came with Lady Gaga in 2018's A Star Is Born,which he produced, directed, and starred in. The film was a huge hit, earning the Academy Award for Best Original Song, as well as 7 other Academy Award nominations. Now Bradley Cooper is back with big-time director Paul Thomas Anderson, their first collaboration, and PTA's first film since his acclaimed 2017 film, Phantom Thread. Paul Thomas Anderson's next film, titled Soggy Bottom will feature Bradley Cooper in the lead role as a film director and producer in Hollywood. The movie will be set in 1970's Los Angeles, CA. It will be released November 26, 2021.

Spoiler-Free Assessment Of Haruki Murakami's Book 1Q84 by Joseph Poulos

Spoiler-Free Assessment Of Haruki Murakami's Book 1Q84

Japanese author Haruki Murakamiis one of the most beloved writers of the last 20 years in any country. Though he has plenty of amazing books in his catalog, many consider his 2011 magical realist novel, 1Q84his best. Featuring a dual storyline involving alternate timelines taking place in 1984, the book is a clever fantasy entry and praised the whole world over. Haruki Murakami's book 1Q84 was released in three volumes from 2009 to 2010, with english releases in 2011. It widely regarded as his best novel, and features magical realism and an alternate timeline story taking place in Tokyo in 1984.

Why Judas And The Black Messiah Makes You Feel Uneasy by Joseph Poulos

Why Judas And The Black Messiah Makes You Feel Uneasy

Judas and the Black Messiahis one of the most beloved and successful movies of 2021. It shows us the history of the Black Panther Party, and also explores the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. It is a powerfully dark movie and describes the relationship between Fred Hampton and undercover FBI informant William O'Neal. O'Neal tries to set Fred Hampton up and is eventually responsible for his death at the hands of the FBI. The score, composed by Mark Isham and Craig Harris is a stressful and dark creation. It allows us to follow Stanfield's character on his treacherous road to betraying Chairman Fred Hampton. The film currently holds a 96% rating on Rottentomatoes.

Candyman Kyle Busch Dominates To Win The First Inaugural Circuit Of The Americas Race At Austin For His 98th Xfinity Series Win by Joseph Poulos

Candyman Kyle Busch Dominates To Win The First Inaugural Circuit Of The Americas Race At Austin For His 98th Xfinity Series Win

Kyle Busch has always had success in NASCAR's Xfinity Series. The 2009 Xfinity Series Champion also has two NASCAR Cup Series Championships, his most recent in 2019. While 2020 was a hard year for Kyle Busch, in terms of wins, he has not slowed down in the Xfinity Series at all. Since Kyle Busch often competes in the Xfinity Series for Joe Gibbs Racing, it was no surprise to see him at NASCAR's first trip to the road course in Austin, Texas, known as Circuit Of The Americas. He has racked up road course wins across both series, and was a favorite for this Xfinity Series race. Kyle Busch led 35 of 46 laps to win the race in his Skittles #54 Toyota Supra.

10 Reasons Why You Need To Explore And Embrace Your Creativity by Emily Zane

10 Reasons Why You Need To Explore And Embrace Your Creativity

Creativity is a state of mind that fosters creation. When in this state of mind, we are in a flow state, completely focused on what it is we've set out to accomplish. The imagination is free-flowing and loose, able to explore the untapped areas of the mind. The term does not have to be forced into a box. When we think about what it means to be creative, our minds often settle on the image of someone painting a picture or forming a sculpture. However, creativity can take on many forms. It can be creating something out of nothing, it can be reading books to expand your mind, it can be taking part in new and exciting experiences, it can be daydreaming about the future.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 9 min read
The Best Episode Of The Sopranos: "The Ride" by Joseph Poulos

The Best Episode Of The Sopranos: "The Ride"

During the quarantine for COVID-19, a ton of new fans have been drawn to HBO's The Sopranos. The show has received critical and commercial success since it first aired in 1999. Now that the sample size of viewers has grown, it is time to discuss which episodes of The Sopranos are the best. The best episode of The Sopranos is titled "The Ride". It features several intersecting storylines involving Christopher Moltisanti and Paulie Gaultieri and uses the ride as a metaphor for life, danger, and drug addiction. The year 2020 was a big one for fans of The Sopranos. An official re-watch podcast starring Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa aired on YouTube and is still going on at this very moment. Robert Iler and Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who played AJ and Meadow Soprano, respectively, started their own talk show podcast called Pajama Pants.

The 12 Best Ways To Lift Your Mood Right Now by Emily Zane

The 12 Best Ways To Lift Your Mood Right Now

Everyone encounters blue days every now and then; they’re a part of the human experience. With happiness comes sadness, with positivity comes negativity, with sunshine, comes the rain. We must assume and accept that the down days will and do occur, and that’s not always in our control. Bad days can be caused by many things, both tangible and intangible. Your car might not start in the morning, your dog could’ve torn up your favorite shoe, you might have woken up late and had to skip breakfast, you could’ve found out you didn’t get the promotion at work. Days like this are to be expected. Yes, you will most likely experience more good days than bad, but you must expect a bad day to be sprinkled in the mix on occasion.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 10 min read
The Best Great American Novel: A Top 10 by Joseph Poulos

The Best Great American Novel: A Top 10

The Great American Novel is an elusive beast. American Literature, especially in the 20th century, has yielded some extremely memorable and critically classic books. Before we go through the best Great American Novels of all time, let us first define what a Great American Novel is: The Great American Novel (GAN) is a Western novel which is said to capture the essence of spirit of America. Its author is typically American and speaks about the identity of America itself. American Literature is known far and wide as some of the best reading to ever be published. The subject is vast, and as a result, there are many contenders for the title of Greatest American Novel. Ranging from older classics to post-9/11 chronicles, here are some of the best American novels of all time.

15 Ways To Feel Beautiful In A World That Tells You You're Not by Emily Zane

15 Ways To Feel Beautiful In A World That Tells You You're Not

Society tells us we’re not enough. They tell us we’re too fat, too thin, not pretty enough, too loud, too quiet, too dark-skinned, too light-skinned, too wrinkly, too scarred. Society creates an ever-changing, unattainable ideal image that so many of us fight to become, but we always fall short. Society tells us that in order to encompass beauty, we must follow its guidelines and rules. We must appear happy and exude confidence and a “go with the flow” attitude in our social media photos. We must exemplify perfection through our skincare routines, makeup regimes, outfit selections, and self-care practices.

Emily Zane
beauty . 14 min read
History Behind Leonardo DiCaprio’s Movie, Killers Of The Flower Moon by Joseph Poulos

History Behind Leonardo DiCaprio’s Movie, Killers Of The Flower Moon

Though Leonardo DiCaprio has been the source of the famous "pointing meme" lately, there is now some fresh DiCaprio-related news to share. Leonardo DiCaprio’s last film, 2019’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood left fans and film buffs alike asking for more. Here is everything we know about Leonardo DiCaprio's next film: Killers Of The Flower Moon. Leonardo DiCaprio is set to star in Martin Scorsese’s next film, Killers Of The Flower Moon. Costarring Robert De Niro, it takes place in the 1920’s when members of the Osage Tribe are murdered, sparking an investigation by J. Edgar Hoover.

Prince Phillip Funeral : Prince Harry's First Time Back Home Since Oprah Interview by Joseph Poulos

Prince Phillip Funeral : Prince Harry's First Time Back Home Since Oprah Interview

Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, was best known as the Royal Consort to Queen Elizabeth II. Since his death, many have wondered what his funeral was like, when it would be held, and how this would affect his grandson Prince Harry. Here are the details on everything we have been able to uncover about Prince Phillip's funeral and Prince Harry. Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, age 99, died in his sleep on April 9th, 2021. His funeral took place on April 17th, 2021 at Windsor Castle. His grandson, Prince Harry flew to The UK for this funeral. Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, and husband of Queen Elizabeth II died in his sleep on a calm Friday morning in The United Kingdom. He had been the longest-serving royal consort in history. Plans for his funeral were already in place before he died.

How To Heal A Damaged Family Relationship In 10 Clear Ways by Emily Zane

How To Heal A Damaged Family Relationship In 10 Clear Ways

Family relationships can often be fickle. You find yourself in a conflict with a family member, and this can lead to anything from a stint of the silent treatment to cutting that family member off completely. Your response depends on the conflict and how you’ve chosen to communicate with that family member thus far. Family conflict is most often caused by a difference of opinion or belief over an important issue. Even though you’re a part of the same family, you won’t always see eye to eye with all family members on an imperative matter, and you will often disagree. These disagreements don’t have to be earth-shattering, but sometimes they explode into something bigger than the family members expected. An argument that goes south can cause a deep rift among families, resulting in the severance of communication and affection.

11 Ways To Communicate As Effectively As Possible by Emily Zane

11 Ways To Communicate As Effectively As Possible

We’ve all found ourselves in the precarious situation of miscommunication. A message you’ve attempted to convey comes across murky and disorganized; an email you’ve conducted is wordy and difficult to decipher. We assume that the message we deliver is the exact message that’s received, but that simply isn’t the case. Over the years as technology has modernized, we’ve come to a state of obtaining a mere paucity of understanding on how to properly communicate with one another. The newest devices and technological advances are right at our fingertips today, and it is through these methods that we’re able to send messages much more rapidly.

18 Ways You Can Take Care Of Yourself Today, This Week, And In This Moment by Emily Zane

18 Ways You Can Take Care Of Yourself Today, This Week, And In This Moment

Throughout the monotony of everyday life, the difficulties and challenges we regularly face, and the mounting stress that is often a byproduct of being an adult, we tend to push self-care aside and opt for instant gratification and immediate relief. We don’t take proper care of ourselves anymore in this obstreperous world, and we instead allow the busyness and unpredictability of life to expropriate the care and nurturance we are entitled to provide ourselves with. Taking care of yourself means that you are providing for your needs in ways that are conducive to enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing. In order to live a fulfilling life, we must satisfy our earthly needs as well as our inherent ones.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 15 min read
How To Build Your Confidence In 12 Straightforward Ways by Emily Zane

How To Build Your Confidence In 12 Straightforward Ways

Think of that person you know, the one we all know. He or she exudes an air of certainty, carries themselves with determination, and lives in a way that portrays spirit and tenacity. We all know someone like this, and we aspire to be like them. These are family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, bosses. Whether it’s you or someone you know, we can all zero in on that someone we’ve come across in our lives who is the epitome of self-confidence. Believing in your abilities, trusting in yourself and your potential, and having faith in your performance and skillset are all characteristics of self-confidence.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
8 Reasons Why We Need To Change Our Inner Dialogues Right Now by Emily Zane

8 Reasons Why We Need To Change Our Inner Dialogues Right Now

How often do you catch yourself saying something negative about how you look, something you’ve done, or something you’ve said? Chances are it’s pretty frequent. Self-criticism is the umbrella over all the mean, harsh things you say to yourself about who and what you are. To be self-critical means that you talk to yourself in a way that is negative and cruel, and while your intention may be good, the outcome rarely ever is. This talk track manifests toxicity and is a breeding ground for self-hatred. We are often critical of ourselves in order to force growth and development. We aren’t content with how we are, and we take charge of the discontent by mercilessly criticizing ourselves and our actions, attempting to create the change we desire.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 7 min read
10 Easy Tips For Living A Minimalist Life by Emily Zane

10 Easy Tips For Living A Minimalist Life

We live in a world with so much stuff. Stuff we need, stuff we want, stuff that promises to enhance our lives, make them more enjoyable and allow them to run more smoothly. As humans, we believe that stuff will make our lives more fulfilling. We work harder so we can have access to more things. We spend more hours in the office in order to make more money so we can afford to live a more luxurious lifestyle. It’s all about having more. More this, more that, more everything until we have it all. We want the newer car, we want the bigger house, we want a closet full of trendy clothes, we want the latest technology.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
11 Warning Signs Of Exercise Addiction by Emily Zane

11 Warning Signs Of Exercise Addiction

You pull on your leggings, tie up your laces, tighten your ponytail, and secure your EarPods. The weather is beautiful, perfect for a run. You head out down your normal route and run a couple of miles with the music pumping in your ears. With a glistening sheen of sweat, you circle back home and head inside to cool down. As you wipe your face with a towel and lie under the fan, you feel strong and energized. The endorphins are racing through your body and you feel empowered, ready to take on the world. You’re tired but you feel proud and content. Maybe you’ve just finished a yoga, barre, or Pilates class. You may have just wrapped up a CrossFit WOD, a weightlifting session, a dance, or a kickboxing class. Maybe you’ve just knocked out a quick HIIT workout or spent 30 minutes on the Stairmaster.

Emily Zane
wellness . 13 min read
How To Get What You Want And Still Feel Good About It by Emily Zane

How To Get What You Want And Still Feel Good About It

There are things in life we have to go out and get for ourselves. Things that are not simply given to us, things we have to earn and put effort towards receiving. Sometimes we have to ask for what we want, and other times we have to take actions that will award us the things we’re after. You must ask yourself what it is you want. Are you looking to earn a promotion at work? Are you trying to get a job in a competitive environment? Are you fighting for what’s rightfully yours in an argument? Are you trying to gain favor, appreciation, or praise? Identify what it is you’re truly after.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
10 Simple Things You Can Do To Set Yourself Up For A Good Day by Emily Zane

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Set Yourself Up For A Good Day

Days typically fall into three different categories: the good, the bad, and those that land in between, those ho-hum days that just aren’t memorable. Experiencing all three types at one point or another is simply part of being human. We all live through our fair share of good, bad, and in-the-middle days, and we have become comfortable with that. We’ve come to terms with the fact that not all days are good; some are bad, and some are just so-so. We’ve accepted this as just how it is, and we’ve become complacent about changing the outcome of our days. Everyone has bad days. They are challenging, but they are a part of life. To be cliché, one could say that experiencing bad days allows us to truly value and cherish the good days.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 13 min read
The Number One Book You Need To Read If You've Failed Every Diet You've Ever Tried by Emily Zane

The Number One Book You Need To Read If You've Failed Every Diet You've Ever Tried

Have you ever started a new diet, all fired up and excited and ready to go all-in, stuck with it for about a month or so, lost a couple of pounds, and then the flame you started with began to steadily burn out? You gain back the weight you lost during your diet, and a few extra pounds creep in as well. You started out so strong; you had your eye on the prize and you were fully committed to the task at hand. You stuck to the rules and regulations of the diet you chose to pursue, even though it was challenging. You spent the money necessary to buy the right foods, kitchenware, and exercise plans. You even refrained from “bad” foods like chocolate and ice cream and ate only the “good” foods your diet promoted.

Emily Zane
wellness . 9 min read
How To Most Effectively Avoid Heartbreak Without Numbing Yourself In The Process by Emily Zane

How To Most Effectively Avoid Heartbreak Without Numbing Yourself In The Process

If you’re a living, breathing human being, chances are you’ve experienced heartbreak at some point in your life. To some degree, you’ve had your heart broken by someone or something and you’ve felt the deep pain that coincides with heartbreak. Heartbreak is, well, heartbreaking. Heartbreak is an experience that cuts extremely deeply and you feel the emotions to your core. You feel as though the pain will never end; you’ll always feel a strong sadness and deep anguish you’re experiencing, and those feelings will never go away. Heartbreak is something that we all carry with us. Whether it be from our childhood years with a crush who didn’t return the feeling, our teenage years where we were cheated on by our boyfriend or girlfriend, or our adult years where a marriage ends in divorce or a relationship takes a turn for the worst, heartbreak can come in many different shapes and sizes.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 6 min read
The Real, Honest Reason You're Unhappy With Your Life by Emily Zane

The Real, Honest Reason You're Unhappy With Your Life

We’re all human; we all experience those days where we’re feeling down, sad, and generally unhappy. There are things that cause that momentary unhappiness such as life circumstances, events that occur, needs not being met, and conflict within relationships. There are many daily situations that can bring our mood down and impact the way we feel about ourselves and our lives. Unhappiness comes in several different forms. To be unhappy, you are lacking joy and excitement in the moment, as well as the typical feelings of normalcy that come along with day-to-day monotony.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 7 min read
Top 5 Tips On Avoiding Unnecessary Fights With Your Partner by Emily Zane

Top 5 Tips On Avoiding Unnecessary Fights With Your Partner

We’ve all been there. You come home from a long day at work or your partner comes home to you; you’ve had a tough day dealing with kids or school or work or family or one of the millions of everyday issues we face on a daily basis. You are looking forward to seeing your partner because you love them, but you are not in the mood for a fight and even the smallest thing can set you off. You’re tired and irritable from the day you’ve had, you are on edge, and you feel as though you could snap at any moment. You see your partner, they make a comment without thinking, you take it the wrong way and a fight is on the horizon.

Top 4 Things Your Loved One With An Eating Disorder Wants You To Know by Emily Zane

Top 4 Things Your Loved One With An Eating Disorder Wants You To Know

Chances are, you’ve met someone in your life who has struggled or is struggling with an eating disorder, or perhaps you have found yourself in the grasp of the mental illness. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reveals shocking statistics, ranking eating disorders with the second-highest mortality rate among mental illnesses, imploring that 9% of Americans will struggle with an eating disorder at some point in their life. Eating disorders appear often in the media. Consequently, we are typically shown emaciated white females when the topic of eating disorders comes to the surface. However, eating disorders don’t share the same face; they are all revealed differently in each individual. Anyone with any background, culture, race, and ethnicity can struggle with an eating disorder, whether wealthy or poor, male or female, binary or non-binary, child or adult. You can never look at someone and assume they have or do not have an eating disorder simply based on their physical appearance.

Emily Zane
wellness . 8 min read