The Ultimate Guide To Bear And Evolution

Bears belong to dogs,seals, weasels,otters,skunk families. Evolution of bears: They evolved from a little bug eating mammals which have a long tail and big body.

Picture taken from unsplash by XTina-Yu.BEAR eating twigs.
Bears belong to dogs,seals, weasels,otters,skunk families.

Evolution of bears:

They evolved from a little bug eating mammals which have a long tail and big body.

According to the Scientists,they existed in the dinosaur period.

Indeed, red pandas which are Ailuridae belong to the bear family.

They are also like raccoons, earlier with 2.75 inches long skull, as an ancestral ursavus.

They also lived in North America,Europe and Asia.

Earlier, some bears called “ dawn bears”, have similarity with foxes.

Next, the protursus are ancestral too.

The sloth bear, however, differs from other generations.

In Europe, ancestral estruscan bear resembled in other countries and are of weighing 200 kilograms.

Today,Another bear called cave bear still exists.

The “ dwarf panda”is about 3 feet long which are extinct.

The largest carnivore bear called “ giant short faced” is 6.5 feet tall.

They have good balance on their feet.

They have better smell and hearing abilities.

They have a special layer in their eyes: tarpetum lucidrum is helping them at night.


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