Why Going Full Vegan Isn't Working Out For You. What It Means To Eat For Your Blood Type

Everyone wants to live a healthier lifestyle, and naturally they assume that adopting a vegan diet will help them on their quest. But for some, is this lifestyle helping or deteriorating their health?

What Is A Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet is one that consists of consuming foods that come strictly from plants. This means no eggs, dairy, no fish, and no meat products of any kind! The vegan diet is very strict and requires you to be very in tune and aware of the foods that you are eating and what they are made out of. 

Unlike the vegetarian diet, there are no subcategories of veganism.

When it comes to living a vegan lifestyle, you source your protein from certain vegetables, beans, and vitamin supplements. When switching over to a vegan diet, it is important to listen to your body and notice any changes in your health after you've cut meat out of your diet.

Those who feel that the vegan diet isn't working for them or they notice a deterioration of their overall health should see if adopting this lifestyle adheres to their blood type.

What It Means To Eat For Your Blood Type

According to Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, "your blood type should determine what you eat and how you exercise". 

A-blood types consists of adopting a vegan/vegetarian diet. Those with this blood type should eat organic fruits and vegetables and not consume any meat whatsoever. A-blood types are prone having a sensitive immune system and should stay away from processed and nutrient-dense foods.

O-blood types should consume a high-protein diet which is heavily dependent on lean meats, fish, poultry, and veggies. Dairy, grains, and beans should be avoided. People with this blood type ultimately cannot adopt a fully vegan lifestyle without feeling sick or malnourished. The beans and grains that you would swap as a protein source with a vegan diet is ultimately very, very harmful to those with this blood type. So, if you have O-blood and you're wondering why the vegan diet just isn't working out for you, well it's not recommended!

B-blood types should consume limited meat products, low-fat dairy, eggs, and green vegetables. Grains, nuts, and chicken are harmful to those with this blood type. Perhaps adopting an ovo-vegetarian diet would be more beneficial. 

AB-blood types should consume seafood, tofu, dairy, and green vegetables. This diet is considered to be pescatarian.

Ultimately, what you eat should reflect your body's health and conform to what is best for your genetic make up. Do not feel bad because you have O-blood and you eat a lot of steak but your friend with A-blood is eating a lot of vegetables. We all have to eat and overall, we all still eat vegetables and fruits despite our blood types. Some people are just unable to cut meat out of their diet and that is OK! Eat to live and exercise, and you are just as healthy as the next person. 

One thing that each of these blood types recommend that you stay away from are processed foods. 

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