Main Designs

A small sneak peak at the main characters and monsters' design in my novel, titled "Minutiae".

As stated above, I am giving a tiny sneak peak of designs for my characters in a novel I've been working on. It's a sci-fi, thriller themed novel, with a little creative romance on the sidelines. I found inspiration for this story while I was going through a difficult time and so, I dived into the fantasies of my mind, which just so happened to be thinking about dimensions. Writing Minutiae drove me to think about the possibilities of life, space, other beings outside of our miniature sized Earth. What if there are different versions of our world? That is one question that is constantly prying into my mind. The thought of it makes my spine shiver. The possibilities, the new things we could explore, learn about, it makes me feel inspired. Creating this novel and turning my visions into artistry just goes to prove how it makes me feel, and that is why I want to share it all with the world.

I'll now get into explaining who two of my main characters are, Axel and Avery Verose. Two teens who fought side by side against the horrors of what the world has become. These two are siblings, who lost ties with their parents three years ago when the destruction of the world began.

This is Avery Kim Verose, the youngest of the two. She is age fourteen, has a heart of gold, and her stubbornness often reminds me of my own.

Avery is incredibly intelligent for her age and has the quickest thought process, being able to understand most things that come her way.

This is Avery's older brother, Axel Malik Verose. He is seventeen years old and much more monotone than Avery. His personality can be a mix of childish and serious. I'll just say that he has a large amount of duality, his sweetness could surprise you though.

The "Freckled Siblings" are definitely a pair that have some issues, considering their personalities often clash and they argue. Avery is naive and imaginative, but Axel is more of a realist and only ever goes along with Avery's plans to get a good laugh. Or rather be there for his sister when she realizes it was just a false hope.

Now, I should start explaining the basics of any story. The timing in this story is set five-hundred years in the future from today, in New York City. However, I'm going to talk about the year before the monsters took over the world. March 24th, 2517 is not much different from how it is today. A few tweaks in machinery and the day to day, they're almost on the trail of making a flying car but not quite there considering the human race is running out of resources on Earth. Soon, they'll be running out of people too. They never saw it coming. Five-hundered years before 2517, an organization created a time capsule, one that would help mankind in the future. It was meant to be opened within the next hundred years after 2017 but of course, nothing went as planned and so five-hundred years passed. It will be helpful in the long run, though. As for how the world came to an end in 2518, there were monsters who began appearing from the air, shades of red and black appearing over the sky. They weren't aliens, at least not aliens from this galaxy. They were simply beings that appeared from no where, at least that is what humans thought. Aliens from another galaxy, which millions and billions of galaxies exist. There's bound to be one that is a duplicate of Earth. Or not exactly a duplicate, but one with similarities yet different creatures, a parallel universe. There was a clash of galaxies, two to be specific, two that should never have became one. A man named Nicholas Alastratov was the one who caused this. Exactly how he caused it is uncertain but the Verose siblings were determined to see what exactly he created that caused this global, universal problem.

The Japanese writing above means "copycat mimic".

This is my illustration of the monsters from a parallel universe, which the two siblings call a "kopikyattomimikku" which is Japanese for copycat mimic. The reason they call these monsters that is because not only are they a different version of humans, they've been mutated and have telepathic powers. They create illusions in a regular human's mind which leads them to believe that they are seeing a loved person from their memories, when in reality, it is a monster. Some of these monsters are incapable of these powers, either they are babies and have not developed it yet or simply don't have the mutated genes. This picture is another mutated version, one powerful than the other ones. The little spikes that you see on their arms are shards of metal that can detach from their skin and regrow into their body within a few hours. The large sword looking bones on their back are really just part of it's spine, which has a type of venom that kills any living being within minutes if they come in contact with it. These copycat mimics, the original mutated version, does not have the spine parts nor metal shards. They look more plain and are usually a dark grey color, with scales similar to the one above. The newer mutations are mostly white, with black markings on their back, arms, and neck. 

Now that I've explained most things that might seem confusing at first, I am going to give you a few paragraphs from the real story.

   There was a soft light coming from the moon, illuminating the dark green grass, the tall trees, and ruined buildings. In this time and age, it was rare to see any living people, but there they were. Two younger teens, walking around, searching for something. One of them - the girl- let out a frustrated sigh and sat down on the grass, moving her fingers rhythmically against her leg. It was a habit of hers since she’s a pianist, or at least used to be. Avery was her name, Avery Kim Verose. She was on the rather short side, especially compared to her brother, Axel. He was around 17, where she was 14. The difference in age didn’t matter much since Axel was on the more immature side. Weirdly, they managed to get along, survive together in this dark age. The younger of the two let out a soft whisper, magically loud enough for her brother to hear.

 “Axel Malik Verose, how do you plan on finding this thing if you act like a scaredy cat?” Axel gave her a sarcastic grin before giving her an “are you serious?” look. It was true, he was being a coward but he had good reason. He was nervous, his palms sweaty, he was terrified. All he wanted was to turn back time, when the world wasn’t like this. This boy couldn’t stand the sight in front of him, and of course he had to be the one to go through this mess.

“You know what that meeting was about, right? Or did you just forget? This is our chance to make everything go back to how it was. Maybe we could even find mom and dad.” Avery continued, her voice becoming softer as she got to that last sentence. It had been three years since these kids saw their parents. Saying that it simply made them sad was the biggest understatement ever.They had suffered so much for the past three years, especially because of the outbreak, and then the destruction of the world.

“Avery, face it. Mom and Dad are gone,” Axel spoke in a rather harsh tone. “So stop talking about them and lets go.” His fists clenched a little before he started walking into the mess, the smell of rotting bodies and aged blood filling his nose. The world really had become horrid. From just looking around, you could see the piles of them, the people who used to be alive. It would be difficult for anyone to put into words, because no one really knew what had happened on March 19th, 2518. Axel remembered that day so clearly. Him and Avery were going on a trip to New York with their cousins and friends. Little did they know that they would be in New York for much longer than they anticipated. That day was like something out of a comic book, red and black glowing lights were shining in from the sky, and suddenly there were spine shuttering screeches. Those monsters took everything from the two teens, except their lives. At least not yet.

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