Adding "Juicing" To Your Diet... Fave It Or Forget It?

A look into the new dieting trend and my favorite juicing recipes!

When juicing first became a trend around 2017, I was at one of those stages in life where I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. I ate all the greasy, fried, sugary, and carb-loaded foods you could think of. However, a sudden increase in weight along with a new medical diagnosis was enough to make me want to change my life around in the food department. I quickly began conducting my own research and started meal prepping and trying to add more fruits and veggies to my diet. Even though I tried to get the recommended daily intake, I still wasn't getting enough. So, back to the drawing board I went and I found this interesting trend of turning fruits and vegetables into a drink. At first, I nearly gagged at the thought of sipping beets and cucumbers through a straw because, let's just be honest, that doesn't even sound natural. But, the more I looked into different recipes and reviews that claimed "you can't even taste the beets," I decided to start my own juicing journey. There is a common misconception that juicing is a diet in which people drink their fruits and veggies in the place of actually ingesting them during meals. I would strongly recommend juicing as a supplement of fruits and veggies in addition to your regular healthy everyday meals. We wouldn't want anyone passing out due to being extremely famished. Now that that's cleared up, on to more juicy details about my juicing experience. I tried a few different recipes before I found some that stuck and then I drank one every day, first thing in the morning or at least before breakfast for 30 days. I like to try new things in 30-day trials because according to the super-smart scientists in this world, it takes the body about 21 days to get the gears rolling on a new habit and 30 days can really kick things off. However, to see long-lasting results and to maximize the benefits of healthy habits, being consistent is key. To back that theory, I bought myself a juicer made by Oster at Target for $150 (but you can totally get a cheaper one from Amazon) and began juicing. Within my trial period, I did experience some (not all) of the benefits of juicing. I felt less bloated, I felt as though my digestion was more regular, and honestly, my skin felt more hydrated-- and not in the oily gucky way either. So, I'd definitely say it has been a win-win for me. I am a person who is obsessed with customizing everything and what I love about juicing is the fact that you can make it to your liking. No two juices have to taste the same, so you won't get bored with it. Ok, I know what you're thinking here--what's the catch? Well, one major drawback for me is that the ingredients could be kind of expensive. I once spent $20 on fruits and vegetables and it made me about four 16 oz bottles of juice, so that would be $5 per juice if I bought them pre-made, so what would be the real benefits of juicing at home if I'm spending the same amount right? I would definitely recommend buying your fruits and vegetables at your local farmer's market. Another thing is it can be time-consuming. You have to wash your fruits and veggies, peel some of them, juice them, and then clean everything up including your machine. So, I try to only use my juicer twice a week and make a batch to last at least a couple of days. Apparently, the juices only last (even refrigerated) for two or three days max. That's also kind of a bummer because I love making things ahead of time to grab and go for the morning. I have started to interchange my juices for ACV water to stretch out juicing. If you want to read about my Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) water journey, you can read all about it in my next article. I am going to keep at this juicing thing along with eating healthy and exercising regularly so that I can continue to be my best self. I would highly recommend adding juicing to your diet and to give you a little head start in the game, I am going to leave you with three of my favorite juice recipes. Fun fact: these recipes can be altered to whatever suits your unique tastebuds! Happy juicing.

Oompa Loompa:

Oranges, Ginger, Turmeric, Whole Organic Carrots

Summer Bummer: 

Watermelon, Cucumber, Mint leaves

Verde Juice:

Celery, Apples, Cucumbers, Kiwi

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