How To Deal With The Emotional And Mental Distress During Any Challenging Situation

Focusing on our wellbeing, while being constantly faced with hardships and challenges in life!
Image credit: Solace Hospice

Lets imagine being in heaven with no clashes, no traumas or hardship. Everything sails smooth, without any rift currents or bummer. 

But, what if we are faced with the opposite times, how to deal with the realities of this world, when faced with the time of turbulence and turmoil, the agitated  minds will be playing this role of making it happen. But, just like the aircraft flights, we need to land somewhere. Turbulences are not caused by pilots its because of the wind, storms, jet streams and objects near the plane. Similarly, we need to understand that the turbulences in life is not our fault, its just the way life is and we need to be prepared to handle such situations, similar to a pilot's job.

Let's understand what is Emotionally charged feeling means.

When something is emotionally charged, it means that someone is experiencing strong, raw, and uninhibited emotions that can be difficult to control. Whether a meltdown during rush hour traffic or a disagreement with a lover, emotionally charged responses look a lot like a temper tantrum thrown by a very vocal toddler. In most cases, this uncontrollable release or explosion of emotion follows some sort of trigger. 

Below it's an article you can read through for overcoming emotions on daily basis.

How to cope with our mixed feelings

  1. Acknowledge It

We need to realize the fact that life is not always the same. People change, status changes as well as our life-style. There are times in our life filled with happiness and joy and also the vice-a -versa that is the skidding part.

How to keep the skidding part to it's minimal is the mantra of the story.

  • First and foremost acknowledge the fact; its part of life, and its a challenge to overcome the situation without too much of stress and hassle.
  • Accept the situation as it is at the moment and try working on it to resolve the issue.
  • Doing things at the moment should be in such a way, that it doesn't aggravate the issue, instead, work on minimizing any kind of turmoil or hardship.
  • You should always remind yourself, that you are doing your best, even when times are good.

In fact, keep a journal where all good times entries are made to cherish those memories, that might help in anticipating the return of these days someday again.

2. Being Mindful

First let's understand, what mindfulness is. This article below focuses on healthy mind and healthy life. A great way to start a mindful living. 

We can always incorporate mindfulness in our lifestyle to overcome any emotional and mental distress.

How mindfulness works on emotional and mental health

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgement. When you are fully present at a moment, you will feel less distracted by other thoughts. It helps you with 'being here and now' concept. Things of past is history, present is a gift and future is yet to be written. Open the gift and find out what's in it! 

Mindfulness practice is a type of meditation, usually helps in observing your own body sensations, sensory organs, emotions you are going through and coping with your cravings or urges, while on a daily normal work schedule. It works by making you self-aware. Do not judge any senses as good or bad, just be with the flow and observe your senses. 

Research on mindfulness and it's effect on emotional and mental well-being has shown to have positive effects on psychological well-being. Core concepts of mindfulness include paying attention to the present moment and attaining a state of consciousness in a non- judgemental /accepting manner. 

It helps you in keeping track of your 

  • Work, specifically, kind of work you are into.
  • Environment or ambience you are in.
  • Feelings and senses you are experiencing at the moment.

3. Understanding the law of nature

We already know about the law of nature, but to know it in deep, we need to understand that the nature itself works legally, by the law and for the law.

When we break traffic rules, we are bound to go through a legal process by the court of the state or country. The judge either orders for imprisonment or fine charges.

Similarly, in a bigger scale the nature itself has it's own set of rules, polices and procedure. When we abuse these laws we are bound to face charges against it.

The supreme Judge, let's call it our "sub-consciousness", sentences us for the low-time of our lives, with emotional, mental and sometimes physical distress and struggle. 

We usually question ourselves, what have we done wrong that we are facing these circumstances?! Maybe, you have done everything right and you have been good throughout your entire time, still you could face some challenging times, question arises "WHY"?

  • These times tests your potential.
  • Opens ways to a better life.

Remember, transition phases are not easy. You just need to know how to handle it. Your good deeds have the ability to keep the transition phase quick, easy and less miserable.

There is Yin and Yang of everything, it's the law of nature. If you buy a gun, it works to protect you as well as get you shot. If you buy a car, it helps you reach a destination on time and easily, but also causes mishap. If you are super-intelligent and score the highest grades in school, its because you are more into books and online study materials, but you may miss studying human nature and their ways of functioning. Remember an engineered robot cannot function like human.


4. Avoid any unwanted negative thoughts to arise

You will find every spiritual leaders and/or psychologists emphasizing more on positive thinking. But during the times of turbulences, it is nearly next to impossible to keep a steady and calm mind. However, practicing positive thinking at all times is the best method to not let unwanted negative thoughts to arise.

Practicing some good habits may help deal with negative thoughts and emotions

  • Time Management: Keep your wake-up time and sleep time consistent. Make sure you are waking up at a fixed time everyday, ideally should be between 7 am -8 am and choose a fixed time to go to bed every night. Make sure you get a 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep every day. It helps in mood swings and dealing with emotions.
  • Eat Food: Do not starve yourself, due to emotional and mental roller-coaster. Eat food which makes you feel fuller. Sometimes empty stomach can make you feel grumpy and uninterested in things around you. A hearty breakfast meal early morning is a good start to the day followed by a balanced lunch with carbs, protein and veggies on the sides.
  • Meet and interact with people who makes you feel joyful, lively and positive.
  • Watch television shows, that makes you cheerful.
  • Refrain from unnecessary overthinking. 

In the video below Mel Robbins speaks wonderfully on this topic at a talk show. Melanie Robbins, is an American lawyer, television host, author and motivational speaker. She has her books published on how to control your life, there are several audiobooks and online courses she offers.

5. Ask for a counselors help

Despite taking all measures and steps to feel better, if you are still feeling under the blue, go ahead and take a counselors help.

Counselors' take the pride of being the mental healers of human species. Treatments range from individual sessions, to couple sessions as well as with your family or with a group or it may be combination of both. These are usually professional therapists, who works on your emotional and mental health issues, sometimes either through talk therapy and/or prescribing some medications as well.  

Many therapy or treatments can produce positive and meaningful changes in symptoms and quality of life after just a brief amount of time. Finding the right therapist is also an important part of the treatment process.

Research has shown that the effect of psychological counseling on mental health has made patients become more relaxed, were able to focus on their goal, more aware about their strength and weakness. They were able to plan their schedule according to the goal. Also, were able to learn how to manage their emotions.


All human beings face challenging times in their life, you are not alone. Most recover on their own while seeking the better part of life, but there are few who struggles on this road to recovery and sometimes gives up. We usually call this mode as survival of the fittest. It's similar to, you had something the other day at a restaurant, which made your stomach upset. Either you heal by consuming water and/or taking light food the next day or may be by taking medication. Basically, you work on the issue until resolved, you don't give up. When finally you recover and feel fine, you get the sense of accomplishment and/or winning sensation. It works in a similar fashion during the challenging times as well, we all want to win. You just need to follow your internal guide within you that exists, to do all the right things in this world. When you start taking that path, all things automatically gets placed on this road of righteousness.

Content writing is a passion for me. With so much in mind, I like to put those thoughts into words.

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