The Power Of Hugs

Imagine coming home from work or school tired and exhausted.

1. Hugs Relieve Stress and Pain

              Hugging can often generate a feeling of serenity and enjoyment. This is because of oxytocin (the cuddle hormone.) This is released when people or pets snuggle up and bond socially.  Please feel free to take a look at another interesting article about pets. This can have a domino effect throughout the body and has been found to:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve wound healing.
  • Lessen cravings for drugs, alcohol, and sweets.
  • Lower heart rate and stress.

If you are going through difficult times, getting a firm, tight hug may help you stay calm and focused on the future ahead.

2. Hugs Can Strengthen Our Immune System

              A hug a day may keep the doctor away. In a 2014 study, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University measured social support in the form of hugs among more than 400 healthy adults. Researchers then exposed the participants to a common cold virus. What they found was that hugs and social support reduced the risk of infection. Basically, the more often people hug, the less likely they are to get sick (even those who experienced conflict.)

3. Hugs Make Us Feel Happy

              Hugging increases serotonin (a neurotransmitter known as the “feel good” hormone) that is produced and spread by neurons in the brain. This hormone helps us feel happy, calm and confident. When serotonin flows freely, we feel good about ourselves and the same is true when this hormone is absent. Low levels can cause sleep disorders and lead to obesity. Feel free to check out another interesting article about sleep.

Woman in red scarf hugging Girl in white shirt

4. Hugs Help deepen Our Relationships

              We impulsively want to hug those who are in pain. When we receive hugs from someone who cares, it can bring us comfort, make us feel safe and even turn our entire day around. In many ways, Hugging is a form of meditation. Have you ever heard the fraise live in the moment? Hugs allow us to be present in the moment, let go and flow with the energy of the embrace. It’s easy to forget how meaningful a hug can be. In a nonverbal way, hugs convey an understanding of each other and can deepen the connection between a person.


Couple Embracing

Lack of Hugs During the Pandemic

              I don’t think any of us EXPECTED this pandemic TO TAKE AWAY THE THING WE LOVE AND NEED THE MOST, giving and receiving hugs. The lack of physical touch has taken a toll on mental health. Not being able to hug our loved ones is devastating. We as humans need physical touch and without it, this could lead to depression. Here is an interesting story, along with a genius idea: Rose Gagnon could not see or touch her grandchildren for several months and not being able to do this because of COVID-19’s social distancing protocols was taking a toll on the mental health of the 85-year-old. Like many, she was feeling lonely and longing for an emotional connection that had been disadvantaged by the incapability to squeeze those most important to her.

              That’s when Gagnon’s granddaughter Carly Marinaro devised an innovative solution in the form of a “hug time” device. Inside a frame made of PVC piping, Marinaro fashioned a see-through plastic barrier with two arm attachments so that grandmother and granddaughter could share a hug while minimizing the risk of exposure to the coronavirus.

              Hugs are a daily important factor in our lives. Hugs show affection, support and love toward others.  Don’t underestimate the healing power of a hug. Just as we exercise our bodies to stay in shape and watch what we eat, we should also make an effort to stay connected to the people we care about. So, whenever you are feeling sad, depressed or lonely, a hug may be all you need to feel better!

Hello, I am 25 years old and live with my parents and twin sister. I also have an older brother and 2 lovely dogs

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