Why The Focus Should Be On Wellness

As a nurse practitioner I realize the importance of being healthy. In the following article, I will go over why it should be our focus moving forward with our health.

Why should the focus be on wellness as opposed to illness? I will explore that very question. According to the Oxford dictionary online, wellness is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought-after goal. 

If your going to make wellness an active goal, it's important to understand more than just the official definition. What does wellness meant to you? Why would you, or should you make it a goal? How do you start to make it your goal? And, what do you hope to achieve with it as your goal?

I polled my Instagram followers and asked them what wellness means to them. According, to them, wellness is intentionally working at our mind, body, and spirit. They also added "wholeness". They made very important points that wellness is not just doctors and medicine, it encompasses the whole of you. To be in a true state of well-being your body, mind, and soul must be in sync.

If wellness is a state of well-being, that would assume no illness. So, what is illness? Illness, in contrast to wellness, is defined as disease or period of sickness affecting the body and mind (Oxford online dictionary). Notice it includes body and mind. I'd further extend that to include your soul as well. One can't be in a state of well-being with illness present. 

Currently the healthcare system in America is set up as disease/illness focused. That means people usually only seek care if unwell, sick, or uncomfortable. With the focus on illness and not wellness, America lags behind in health outcomes. We have a bad habit of waiting until "it's too late" to seek help. 

So why should we focus on wellness and not illness? I'm so glad you asked. Well first and foremost it would improve our health outcomes, and who wouldn't want the best chance possible? It is much easier to prevent a disease then fight an already existing one. Lastly when you focus on wellness and prevention, you will earlier detection giving you better odds at positive outcomes. Look at it as a gamble. Is it worth staying healthy so when you do fall ill you have better odds at positive outcomes? I bet yes on that.

If you're ready to make wellness a focus and goal, where do you start? Easy, it starts with just thinking about it. The more mindful you are, the better you will be at making it a permanent lifestyle. Start talking about it to raise awareness and get the conversations. Once you're ready to shift your focus on making positive changes, learn about healthy diets, exercises, avoid nicotine and/or caffeine  use alcohol in moderation, and begin meditating. 

Now you are on your way to optimal health. What do you hope to achieve? This is a question only you can answer. I can answer for me but, this should personal for each and every one of us. If you're not passionate about it, it won't happen. Think of what is important to you, in your life. And please, share your passions and goals, I'd love to hear them. Take care and be well.

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