George Freeman

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5 Things Meditation Music Does To Your Body While You Sleep by George Freeman

5 Things Meditation Music Does To Your Body While You Sleep

As we know it today, music is more of an art than it is a form of therapy. But why is music so much loved? Or still, why do we enjoy music so much? The simple answer is that music affects both our emotions and the body. Depending on the type of music, one may be able to perform specific actions more efficiently or even faster. In this piece, we shall be exploring the impact of meditation music on the body and the quality of sleep.

Six Safe And Legit Ways To Consume CBD Gummies by George Freeman

Six Safe And Legit Ways To Consume CBD Gummies

Cannabis has been shown to offer so many health benefits, but it is still shrouded in controversy, at least in some areas across the world. Nevertheless, some institutions and individual researchers have made a considerable contribution towards demystifying this whole thing. One of the most recent and significant moves is the introduction of CBD gummies. Ideally, these are meant to conceal the fact that the consumer is taking CBD along with the gummies. Even with the hiding, CBD itself has lots of benefits. We shall go through the expected benefits as well as the safe ways of consuming these gummies.

Journaling: The Old Practice Powering The World's Big Minds by George Freeman

Journaling: The Old Practice Powering The World's Big Minds

Self-improvement is among the bestselling niches. It's somewhat unexpected that a 'free' self-improvement tactic would be amongst the most impactful. Even so, journaling has been practiced through the ages and remains one of the most effective self-improvement tactics. You might already be getting skeptical about my claim, but by the end of this post, you will probably have a new perspective. Let's dive in!
