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The Top Reasons On Getting A Pet by Joe

The Top Reasons On Getting A Pet

Have you ever thought about having a companion in your life? Maybe you’re a family that has children, a newly married couple, an elderly person living alone or many others. The thought of having a pet can be a little daunting and terrifying. With dogs especially, you would need to train them, but with any pet, you need to take care of them. People may think that owning a pet is difficult. You need to vacuum, pick up its mess, feed and water it, but most of all, give it lots of attention. While this may seem not so exciting, it is actually enjoyable! Here are some examples that might influence your decision.


How Audio Description Is Being Adopted For Inclusion

Descriptive audio is becoming more and more popular over the years. Why aren’t more people adopting it?
Audio description is a form of narration that plays along with a movie or TV show enabling the visually impaired (VIP) to enjoy the same things as their sighted peers. Being visually impaired myself, this was not always the case. While growing up, if I wanted a movie or something to watch, my parents would need to order it from a special website. We would play it in a VCR, video cassette recorder because it was a VHS, video home service. If the movie that my family wanted to watch could not be ordered, one of my parents would try describing what was happening. With technology advancing, this rarely happens now, but if it does, I know I can count on someone to come through. If you’d like to see audio description in action, feel free to check out this video:

The Top Healthy Ways To Effortlessly Fall Asleep And Wake Up Well Rested

Imagine getting home from a long day of work. You plop down on the couch and prop your feet up with a big cup of coffee in your hand. A title of a song comes to mind and you can’t get it out of your head. You start humming the words: It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been working like a dog. After a few moments, you realize that the song you were thinking of was from the Beatle’s. Despite this, you are having trouble falling asleep.
Sleep is one of the most vital ways to repair the body and is an essential function that helps you to wake up feeling recharged and refreshed. This also helps fight off diseases. Lack of sleep can harm your ability to concentrate, contemplate clearly or recollect memories. Not being able to fall asleep can be frustrating. Here are some examples that might help you! all of us must love that moment when we get to snuggle under the covers and get comfortable for sleeping. This is easier said then done. Once you do get relaxed, falling asleep can be difficult for some. If this is the case, you may have to make changes.

How Music And Audiobooks Are Becoming More Digital

Imagine having kids and you are taking a road trip somewhere. Your children ask you to turn on some music or and audiobook, but you left in a hurry and forgot the collection of CDs sitting on top of your bookshelf. Furthermore, you have left your phone at home so you could enjoy nature and also spend some quality time with your family.
Music or audiobooks have always been a part of our lives. You can tell what mood we are in by the type of music we listen to or the excitement in our faces and emotion we give when entranced in an audiobook. Some people are perhaps wondering, how did we get to the point of being digital? If you have a simple personality, you may just want the short answer and this is technology advancement. However, if you have a more in-depth personality, I will gladly go into the specific aspects. When you think of accessibility, you may automatically come to the conclusion that you can pull up almost any song or audiobook on the internet and listen to it. While this is true, that wasn’t the case back then.

How Bush Stadium Is Helping Baseball Fans Get Back Into The Swing Of Things

Are you ready for this pandemic to be over? Do you miss going to sporting events?
I didn’t realize how much I missed going to a baseball game until I got invited by a friend to attend. during the summer, I listened to the St. Louis Cardinals on the radio. I love the radio announcers, but nothing is quite as exciting as going to a game. There are so many things I missed: the smell of food, listening to the fans cheering and many others. First though, let's look at some of the changes Busch Stadium has made due to COVID 19. Upon entering the stadium, you are asked to wear a mask over your nose and mouth. you can keep your keys, wallet and cellphone in your pockets. However, bags and purses no bigger than 6 by 8 inches are allowed. Keep in mind, there is no paper ticketing and only cashless transactions. The seats are grouped together in pods (four or less) with at least 6 feet between.

Top Clean And Funny Comedians To Enjoy

Do you like comedy? Maybe you have children that are not allowed to here stuff (bad language or other things.)
On a bad day, comedy can lift your spirits. You may just need a good laugh every once in a while. Here are some comedians that are fairly clean and hilariously funny. Anjelah Johnson is an American actress, comedian and former cheerleader for the NFL. Quickly after, her popularity landed her the roll of the legendary character Bon Qui, a disgruntled food employee who wanted to pursue a music career. She impersonated his character on MAD tv. Anjelah is very special among clean comedians because although she brings a street attitude to the stage, she never curses or uses offensive words keeping everything fun and entertaining for the whole family.
Andrew Adolphson
humor . 3 min read

Why Ventriloquists Are Becoming More Popular

They say that laughter is the best medicine. Since this is true, sometimes laughter offers much more than just a chuckle. It can lift us from feeling depressed or relieve us from stressful situations.
Ventriloquism is an act in which a person creates an illusion in which their voice is coming elsewhere, usually a puppeteer or dummy. Ventriloquism originally was a religious practice. The Greeks called this gastromancy (εγγαστριμυθία.) One of the earliest recorded group of prophets to use this technique was the priestess at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The shift from ventriloquism as spiritual forces to ventriloquism as entertainment switched in the 18th century. Comedians have a humorous personality and they can make anything funny. I think ventriloquism can go further because not only do they have a humorous personality, they probably can connect with the audience as well.

How KEEN Is Changing The World

Imagine a world where every child is excepted no matter their disability. Now imagine this world has programs that are free and noncompetitive!
KEEN (Kids Enjoying Exercise Now) is a nonprofit organization which is modeled on an innovative program that is established in Oxford England by Elliott Portnoy (an American student studying there. Elliott Portnoy played tennis regularly and offered to teach his friend’s son who had Down syndrome how to play. Other boys with down syndrome wanted to learn as well and Elliott Portnoy learned that it was easier when someone was helping. In 1992, Elliott Portnoy brought KEEN to the Washington DC area with help from a handful of parents and volunteers. The mission of KEEN and its ideal principals stay the same: providing free recreational opportunities to children and young adults with disabilities by pairing them with trained volunteers for fun and noncompetitive activities.