Neha Rao

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I’m a Blogger and YouTuber by passion and Writer& Producer by profession. I love exploring the world through my travels.

The Ultimate Travel Tips For New Travelers

Travel Tips for New Travelers
Travel Tips for New Travelers, ha! When you just kickstart your career, or you are now at a place where you want to travel like a traveler and not like a tourist, there are certain things that you must know about. Well, first of all, what is it that makes the difference? For a long time I wasn’t aware what is the whole hullabaloo about Traveling like a tourist and traveling like a traveler? What is it after all? The internet is full of guides, detailed listicles and what not about tips for travelers, and I have one for you too. How is mine a different one? Umm…it has come with a tad bit of experience and learnings on the go.
writer and magazine editor Neha Rao
Neha Rao
lifestyle . 4 min read