10 Proven Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Ultimate Success

Follow these strategies to delete poverty and download prosperity

So, you have discovered the power of your subconscious mind and you want to know how to reprogram it for success. High-five! Now, you are asking Google the right questions! I am so thankful that you have found this post of mine, dedicated to teaching you 10 proven ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. The fact is, your subconscious mind runs 95% of your reality. Subconscious, meaning "below consciousness." You aren't aware of it! 

95% of what you think, say, and do is unconsciously determined from what you thought, said, and did yesterday. Accepting this knowledge as truth is hard for your average person, especially pessimists like my former Self. It is extremely hard to be completely honest with yourself and this is why most people stay the same. 

In a recent study, tests show the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative. This is astounding news, don't you agree? This means that most people are programmed negatively!

The following list is intended to give you a practical guide to reprogram your mind quickly and efficiently. Imagine if you had a subconscious mind that worked for you, and not against you! Your dreams would start taking form! Your hope would begin manifesting. 

1. 20 things I want to be/do/have/learn

This short exercise will help you fully understand what you want out of life. Do not limit yourself in thought or imagination, and do NOT skip this part. Be sure and complete each list of 20 things you want to be, do, have, and learn.

If you could go anywhere and do anything in this world, what would it be? If you have all that you desire in this world, what would it be? If you could become the man/woman you truly dream of being, describe that person.

Lastly, name at least 20 things you need to learn in order to become that person. The purpose of this exercise is to help you define your vision. A clear vision gives the subconscious direct order. Like a ship that is put on autopilot. 

Think of a plane or ship on autopilot. If you don't program the pilot, you will just go and crash. However, if you give it direct coordinates it will get you there safely every time because it is programmed to do it. This is how your subconscious mind works, only most people have it programmed by fear, trauma, and negative thinking. 

2. Name Your Subconscious Mind.

In a sense, you are witnessing the effectiveness of this strategy firsthand, right now, by reading this short article. Dan Wilkz is the name of my subconscious mind, that of whom I am the commander. It is short Danny Wilkins. 

Dan Wilkz, is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. The host of the CoCre8 Oneness Podcast is the highest version of myself voicing words to change someone's life because someone spoke words to change my life. Dan Wilkz is a man unafraid of any challenge. He is the man that is going to accomplish all of the above-mentioned. 

Naming your subconscious mind separates your ego from your highest potential. This allows you to begin reprogramming your mind. How so? By helping you pay closer attention to your flaws and bad habits. You must become brutally honest with yourself. You have to begin to separate the things you say and do that no longer serve your highest potential and then stop saying and doing those things. 

Once you give a name to your subconscious, you are going to start noticing all the things that the highest version of yourself wouldn't do. You will start seeing the pathway to success more clearly. This strategy is most effective if you are open to asking your friends and relatives to call you by your new name all the time.

I took it a step further and wrote a book about my life, and used "Dan Wilkz" as my pen name. I host my podcast in the mindset and heart-set of Dan Wilkz. I will go into further detail as to why this is so effective further down the list. Be sure and stick around until the end. 

3. Mirror Exercise

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is going to take spending some extra time in front of the mirror. You must get yourself comfortable in your own skin, whatever that means to you. Self-confidence will come from knowing where you are, seeing where you want to be, and following a specific strategy to get you there, no matter what.

You are going to be using the mirror to recite affirmations. Develop a practice of stating aloud your goals for the day/week/month/year clearly and confidently. A big reason mirror exercise is such a powerful self-confidence builder is because you get familiar with how you look. You employ the senses of seeing, touching, and hearing. Remember to be calling out your subconscious mind. You should have given your subconscious a name in the step prior, use this in your mirror exercise!

Another cool trick you have to try is writing your goals in a dry erase marker on your bathroom mirror. Mark Victor Hansen says, "Now, your goals stare back at you right through the portal of your pupil into the depths of your soul. This forces you to start your day with your goals staring you right in the face as you shave and brush your teeth.

Now, you have plenty of time for affirmation recital and mirror exercise and a daily reminder staring you right in the face every morning. Make it fun! I recite in a different character voice every day as I am a rising talent in the voice-over industry. No matter how you do it, just do it! The benefits are extremely amazing!

4. Trade Pop Music and Television for Audiobooks, documentaries, and motivational content.

Your subconcious mind learns only by repetition and agreement. It is here that I want to teach you about the most dangerous trend in pop culture. It is used in music, movies, television, advertising, marketing, etc. Repetition and agreement. For instance, in pop music, 4/4 timing is common. On top of the music, you have repetitive lyrics that program your subconscious mind. As you sing along with the negative lyrics and agree with the statements made the programming is done for you.

Let me give you an example from one of my favorite artist's lyrics. Joyner Lucas - ADHD. Do those lyrics sound like words you should be agreeing with? Let's pretend the words you speak actually create the world around you. Let's also pretend that what you say and agree with most you attract more of that experience to your reality. Is it easier to see why you shouldn't sing, "It kinda feels like, I'm dying on the inside!"

Remember, your subconscious only learns by repetition and agreement. If you ask me, this is where the concept for the movieYes Man came from. It only accepts what you agree with. Hence why the words "I am" are so powerful. Whatever follows those two words, your subconscious mind makes true in your life.

By trading vulgar, negative music for audiobooks, documentaries, and motivational content you are trading the things primarily responsible for your negative programming for the thoughts, belief, advice, wisdom, knowledge, strategy, and training of the world's top 1%. Most people spend a lot of time listening to music and watching television. Imagine if you traded these programs for ones that you choose. Programs that will help you join the 43.6 million millionaires in the world.

W-O-R-D-S   ~   S-W-O-R-D

Matthew 12:37 - "For by your words you are justified, and by your words you are condemned." 

Great minds throughout history agree on this concept. Think about this. When you use words in written format you are spelling. The tongue inside your mouth can be your most powerful, magical tool or your most destuctive weapon. You can use it to build up yourself and the ones around you or to slay your hopes and dreams and those of everyone you love. Words, my friend, are the secret we aren't paying attention to. 

John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God." 

The WORD IS God. Well, what are words? Let us not debate over whether or not it is referring to the "word of god" (the 66 books of the Christian bible chosen by King James). This is a pointless argument because words, in any language, are an expression of human thought and emotion. A human hand wrote the words in the Bible. All of them.

Words are an expression of how we think and feel. So then, let us replace the word "Word" with the definition of the word, to get a deeper understanding of what it says. "In the beginning, were our thoughts and feelings, and our thoughts and feelings were with God, and our thoughts and feelingsARE GOD. You may also say that Self-Expression is God.

It has been my goal to help you see the idea of God in a different light. In John 10:34 Jesus asks his disciples, "Have I not yet told you, YOU ARE GODS." My friend, the words that you speak create your reality. Your life experience is God seekings expression through your life. God is GOOD. There is only GOOD.

5. Sleep Hypnosis

Sleep hypnosis is by far my favorite way to reprogram your subconscious mind. It is simple and it requires little effort. However, most people expect to notice results quickly and magically. Sleep hypnosis is on the opposite end of that spectrum. There are tons of sleep hypnosis out there. I even create them myself!

Here is how it works. Right now, you are operating from a low to mid Beta brainwave state. However, if you were to become super relaxed and drowsy you will begin descending from consciousness (Beta) and descending into the subconscious (theta). Your subconscious mind is pretty much in "record mode" when you first wake up and ascend into consciousness, and when you go to sleep at night. 

All you do is try hypnosis, like this one, that over 800,000 people wordlwide have used to reprogram their mind and play it at night while you sleep. I even put it on repeat so that it plays all throughout the night. Your subconscious mind never rests. Think about it like this. Your heart beat never stops. Your heart beat is autonamic, or subconscious. You subconscious is always listening. It is always working either for you or against you. 

6. Laminated 3x5 Index Card

There are tons of different versions of this technique out there for a variety of different purposes, but the ultimate goal to be achieved is making your goals and ambitions subconscious. I have two different cards. One is a goal card that has my top five goals for the year listed on it. The other is an affirmation card. 

In order to make the affirmation card most effective, you need simply come up with 3-6 affirmations. The trick is to write with gratitude, and as if they were already true. For instance, I put this affirmation in sleep hypnosis of mine and nine months later it was my reality, "Thank you, God, Thank Universe I am a published author." "I am so happy and thankful that I inspire and help millions of people through my writing."

Writing your goals and affirmations on a card and laminating it is simple and the results are remarkable. Each time your hand grazes your pants pocket, your subconscious mind will recall what is written on that card. If you pull the card out and read it multiple times per day, then by way of repetition and agreement your statements will become a subconscious program. It is LAW.

7. Meditation/Visualization/Gratitude

I learned this technique and the wisdom behind it by studying Tony Robbin's morning routine. Tony begins his day with a simple 10-minute meditation centered around mental imagery and gratitude. The secret behind this is using the creative faculties of the universe. Emotion and Visualization. Think about this. God gave no other creature the ability to imagine and to speak. No other animal has the ability to use words and think. 

The Universe, my friend, is mental. If you can think it in your head, you can mold it in your hand. Gratitude and visualization are your tools. Use them daily to help program your mindset. You cannot feel anger and gratitude in the same instance. You cannot feel fear and gratitude in the same instance. Positive consumes negative. 

Tony Robbins believes that the amount of someone's success directly depends on their ability to manage their own states. In other words, the feel greater than how you are thinking. Gratitude will help you feel the vibrations that will come from visualizing the end result. Try closing your eyes and seeing yourself having already accomplished your goals. Feel the emotions that will come from you having fulfilled your destiny. 

Why is gratitude so powerful? Great question! Think about the process involved in "feeling" gratitude. When you are grateful and express gratitude to someone it is called being thankful. When you are thankful you have usually just been given something. You recieve a gift and you say, "thank you." Using gratitude with your deepest ambitions to see your goals having already been completed is a magical process that creates expectancy in the subconscious mind. When you expect it, your subconscious mind will work to make it happen.

8. "That's Not True" - Call Your Bluffs

You will get a wonderful idea of this concept by listening to this lecture by Jordan Peterson. Here is the jist. Once you begin reprogramming your subconscious mind with the idea listed prior, you will not immediately see results.

The results are going to come in the form of feedback. This feedback will come when you become the awareness that observes your thoughts and emotions at specific times. When you are able to notice negative thoughts and emotions, acknowledge them and change your state, it is safe to say your programming is working. 

You must begin calling your bluffs. Everything that you say on a daily basis must be analyzed and the negative qualities in your thinking process must be weeded out. For instance, if you put in a sleep hypnosis, "I am so happy and thankful that I am confident and charsimatic," then your subconscious is going to eventually start presenting opportunities for you to be confident and charasmatic.

If you plant an orange seed, you will eventually get an orange, not an apple. If you. After all, if you ask God to give you courage, will the Universe give you courage, or the opportunity to be couragous? The question is rhetorical and the answer is clear. The opportunity will come in the form of fear because you cannot be courageous without being in the present fear.

9. Read 30-40 pages of something positive before you go to bed or as soon as you wake up

So you say, "I hate reading." Then listen to an audiobook or motivational piece. And so you ask, "Why do it as soon as I wake up?" Remember, your subconscious mind is in record mode when you are descending from and ascending into consciousness. Read something positive or educational durings these 20-minute windows will nourish the garden of your mind with fresh seeds and water. 

Reading plants new ideas in your subconscious. It helps you to dream bigger dreams. Learning from your mistakes is one way to learn, but learning from the mistakes of others will help you speed up the process!

One of my favorite things to do that is actually part of my morning routine is to read the proverb that corresponds with the number of each day's date. For instance, if it is August the 6th, I would open my Bible to Proverbs and read Proverbs 6. There are 31 chapters in the book of proverbs and proverbs is full of ancient wisdom passed down through the ages. 

10. Jake Ducey's 2nd Mind Neuro-Programmer

Last but certainly not least, involves the latest advancements in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. My online mentor Jake Ducey, has developed a revolutionary new software that instantaneously reprograms your subconscious mind. 

The software uses frequencies 1-8Hz with auditory, visual, and kinestic anchoring patterns that program the mind super fast for better health, wealth, and happiness. You can join this free master class, to learn more about it and get a chance to try it for FREE.

I personally use this software myself and I highly recommend it to anyone that is beginning the process of reprogramming the subconscious. You can completely reverse years of negative programming by using Jake's 2nd Mind once per day. 


I hope you have enjoyed reading this amazing list of proven ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. Once you become the master and command of this creative faculty your dreams are going to start taking form in your physical reality. If you combine each of these techniques together, I guarantee you will experience remarkable results in your life in a matter of months.

Don't forget to find me on my podcast! Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article don't forget to leave a comment and share it with someone you love! until next time, you are full of amazing, unlimited potential, and only YOU can provide YOUR gifts to the world. Make your mission to go out and make someone else's day better.

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