Vin Tran

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5 Minutes To A Better Math Grade (2021) by Vin Tran

5 Minutes To A Better Math Grade (2021)

Mathematics - the bane of every sensible American. There is no beauty, no art, in mathematics. Two plus two does not speak to the soul. Neither do quadratic equations unlock the mysteries of the universe. Or do they? Back in Ancient times, there was a man named Archimedes. He was an astronomer and mathematician of highest repute. He was also an inventor. But he loved his mathematics. One, day the Roman army sieged his walled home of Syracuse. To defend his beloved city, Archimedes constructed what is now knows as The Claw of Archimedes . This invention would today be known as a ship destroyer. Safe from the inside of the city, this construction could sink entire Roman ships. Archimedes was a man much revered for his intelligence and industry, and when the Romans eventually did capture the city of Syracuse, it was demanded that Archimedes remain alive and taken into Roman custody.

writer and magazine editor Vin Tran
Vin Tran
wellness . 3 min read

Do You Really Hear Her/Him?

Answer: Probably not - some tips
*Warning: the following might be interpreted as old-timey or sexist. I don’t intend it that way. I do not know many LGBTQ+ people so cannot voice a article on those social dynamics. Husbands and wives are different. I do not say this to throw aspersions or advocate inequality, but to build a framework so husbands can understand “their women.” Often the scariest thing to a husband is losing their job or failing a business. Often the scariest thing to a wife is her husband, or another man. Men are physically stronger than women most of the time, and this allows them to more directly engage in conflict of any sort. Women cannot afford to lose direct conflicts, especially if they come to blows. This imbalance of nature results in many differences in the needs and communication styles of men and women.
writer and magazine editor Vin Tran
Vin Tran
relationships . 6 min read