13 Decor Items That Will Make Your Room Feel Cozy

For a lot of us, our bedroom is a place of comfort and a place where we spend most of our time. They can either be a place of dread or a place where people genuinely enjoy spending their time. I would hope for a lot of people, they enjoy spending time in their room and love to decorate it to match their personality. 

My bedroom (minus a few decorations)

1. Fairy Lights

Fairy lights as seen on Amazon

Fairy lights are something I will always have in my room. They add an ambiance to the room that a normal light could not give. It is perfect in the nighttime when you want some light, but nothing too bright. It gives a cozy vibe to your room and paired with the right music, it is honestly an amazing experience. 

If you are stuck with ideas on how to style them, there are numerous ways you can do it. You can hang them around your bedposts, up on your walls with command strips or tape, you can hang them on the ceiling, or even around your headboard. 

If you want to sleep with these lights on, it is recommended that you get a battery-operated set of fairy lights, rather than one that has to be plugged in. Through wear and tear, the casing covering the wires might become old and snap off, which can cause fires. With battery-operated lights, you know that there is a low risk of anything damaging happening, and you can sleep soundly. 

2. Tapestry

Tapestry with fairy lights as seen on Amazon

If you are unfamiliar with tapestries, they are like a poster but in fabric form. They can be put on the wall (or the ceiling) and they add a lot of personalities and spark to a room. Tapestries make any room feel more like home. These cute, colorful designs on cloth are something that can boost your mood. They provide a view that you might not get where you are, and they can remind you of someone or something as well. 

Tapestries are not bad nor do they represent anything bad. Since they are cloth, they will not break down or rip as a poster will. These are durable, and you can have them for years upon years before they start to break down on you. I have had my tapestry since 2018 and it is still as good as new. My sister also has multiple tapestries that are still looking as good as ever. 

3. Fake (or real) plants

Mini succulent on Amazon

Having a pop of green can go a long way. It can make you feel connected to nature, and fake plants are easier than real plants. There are no worries about watering them or getting dirt all over your room. You can even add ivy/vines to hang on your wall or ceiling. 

There have been countless studies that show having fake plants in your room can help boost your mood. They can collect dust, which is okay as cleaning them is not an issue. These plants can also last you years and they can always be taken with you to any location you go to. Fake plants are always essential in my room decor.

4. Air freshener/candles

Color changing candles from Amazon

Not only do fairy lights add ambiance, but a nice smelling room does too. You can either have a wall plug-in and buy scents every month when they run out, or you can purchase three or four candles and light them whenever you feel like it. Both are great investments and depending on where you live one might be a better option than the other. 

Burning multiple candles at a time may help the room smell better faster. Remember to never leave a candle unattended as you may never know what could happen to the flame. If you want candles for the aesthetic but do not want to worry about a flame, there are fake candles that are remotely operated. These candles may also change color so you can match them to whatever mood you are feeling at the time. 

5. Rug

Rug from Amazon

If you have hardwood floors, adding a cute rug can always brighten a room and make it feel a bit more like home. When your feet hit that nice plush feeling of a rug, it seems to soothe any problems you may have faced in that day. Rugs add a new dimension to the room and can help set the tone/vibe even more. 

It is okay to put a rug in a carpet floored room, just as long as the rug is not the same texture as the carpet floor. If you have a more low-cut carpet, you can place a rug that is fuzzy and longer than the carpet strands on the floor. If the carpet you have is a bit longer and rougher, it is best to place a rug that has more of a woven design. Personally, I do not have a rug in my room seeing as though it is carpet, but when I am at school I usually do have a carpet in my room to give the space a better feel. A room just feels complete with a rug and can really tie the room together. 

6. Color changing lights

Bedrooms with the color-changing lights

This can really set the mood for anything you want. There are purple, red, pink, green, blue, yellow, etc. These lights can help you wind down for the night, or get in a different mood if you would like. These lights seemed to get bigger as more people on TikTok used them in their videos, and each light got a different connotation for the meaning. It seems that now everyone has some LED color-changing lights in their room. 

I know there were multiple times I would be walking around my college campus at night and I would see rooms that were lit up with different colors. Some kids would have it set to blue if they wanted to relax and wind down for the night while some had it set to red (we all know what that color is associated with). You do not have to worry about these lights causing anxiety as they generally do not. If you start to feel anxious though, putting on a warm white or blue can help alleviate those feelings of doom. Having a different light than a standard bright white bulb can go a long way in impacting your mood. 

7. Dark wood

A dark wood side table from Amazon

More and more homeowners are requesting that they get furniture that matches the dark wood that they want. This color and style of furniture will make any space feel traditional, and it is becoming more popular amongst the general public. People want something traditional but rustic as well. 

This adds an elegant look to a room, and it helps draw in some details. In a room full of warm, neutral colors, it is good to have a darker pop of color. It adds an outdoorsy type of aesthetic while being in the own confines of your room (so no annoying bugs will get in your way). Plus, if you have fake plants and greenery in your room, this will look AMAZING. Adding a rug that has tons of color in it will definitely add a special type of accent that will make the area feel more like home. 

8. Warm, neutral colors

An example of warm, neutral colors to have (Amazon)

A lot of times people do not want to have tons of bright colors in their bedroom. If the walls are a bright color, the room can feel tight and cause one to become claustrophobic. With this feeling present, it can be really hard to decorate. With a warm, neutral color, the room will feel more open, and it leaves a lot of room to design what you truly want and add in any color.

Colors such as light orange, cream, mint green, pale yellow, or any pastel type of color may help the space feel more intimate. These colors are oftentimes associated with a warm feeling and the sunshine, so you feel not feel super confined, and your mood will improve overall.

These colors make the room feel lighter and brighter. Warm, neutral colors are something I will always have in any room that I occupy. Be careful not to pick a color that is super blinding though. If you go for a white instead of a cream, the room may seem too bright and could cause headaches, which will make you leave the room. 

9. Tons of blankets

A warm-colored blanket that will ease the mind

Blankets are cozy, who could not love them. When looking at a room that has blankets, it makes you want to curl up immediately and start reading a book or maybe stare out the window. The weighted feeling and warmth you feel from a blanket are enough to put your mind at ease. It is almost as if you are being hugged by the sun and everything is right in the world. It adds a sense of peacefulness and allows you to know that it is safe to be in the room. 

I always have at least three blankets in my room because I never know which one I will want. I have some thin ones, long ones, and some that are heavy (I use them in the Wintertime or for a nap). I also fold it up and leave it at the edge of my bed, as it is a nice accent piece that requires little thought.

10. Lots of pillows/stuffed animals

An example of what someone might have on their bed

Though this may seem like something that only small children should have, it is quite common for adults to have this as well. Pillows and stuffed animals can bring a sense of comfort to anyone feeling down, and they are easy to cuddle because they will not move (unlike how pets do). There are some stuffed animals that can be heated up as well, which can bring even more comfort as holding it will feel like a hug. 

I always find comfort in my bed being surrounded by pillows and stuffed animals. By falling back on them, it surrounds me in comfort, and plus they are soft. They are easy to hold when you need it and there is something just therapeutic about holding onto pillows/stuffed animals. 

11. Large mirror

A mirror similar to the one in my room

This will draw in more light for your room. When you have a mirror in your room, it also shows that space is lived in, and you care about appearances. Images will be reflected in you, and you always want what you see in your space to look clean. Though some people are afraid that mirrors might be bringing bad energy and spirits to the room, it generally is not true. If you wake up and see something scary in the mirror, it is probably because you are half asleep and it is also very dark. Our minds do like to play tricks on us, and scary things in the mirror are one (I thought I saw a giant woman over my bed once but it was just my curtains). 

My mirror is on the back of my door, and it is in a good area where the light from my window bounces back, and I am able to see the whole interior of my room. I hate looking into a messy room, so most times it motivates me to deep clean my room. 

12. Books galore

A dark brown bookshelf to add

Nothing says home like books does. Books are just one element that can add good energy to a bedroom. It promotes reading, and it can provide an escape from your current reality. Plus, all the books have different colors, so it is a subconscious way of adding more color to your room without realizing it. 

In my room, I have a small collection of books, but it is nothing compared to my dad's office space which holds almost a hundred books. What better way to pass time than losing yourself in an alternate universe. 

13. Curtains

Solid color curtains that can add a pop of color in the room

Curtains are so amazing just because there are so many types and so many designs on them. This is another great way to add decor to your room without doing too much. Some curtains have jewels on them, while others can have a mountain backdrop, and some are just plain. Having curtains can help keep your room cool (or warm if you keep them open), and they can provide a sense of security from the outside world. When your curtains are closed, it is just you, whoever else is with you, and the space you are in. 

Whether you want sheer or sun-blocking, curtains can add that pop of color that might be missing. Sun-blocking ones are great because you can still get the color, but you also have the darkness in your room if you want it. I have had both sun-blocking and sheer curtains, and I can honestly say that sun-blocking curtains are the best ones. 

Overall, adding anything you want in your room, it makes the room uniquely you. It is always nice to add your own personal touch to a room, as it is what makes you more attached to the space you are in. Your room will become your safe haven, which is something that everyone should have. 

I am currently a college student interested in content writing and learning about online writing life.

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