Best Writing Ideas And Inspiration To Avoid Writer's Block

People who love writing sometimes suffer from writer's block but here are ways to get over writer's block and get inspiration.

Whether you're a serious writer or someone who just wants to write some works for fun, finding inspiration and keeping creative can be hard, especially when you're hit with writer's block as I have many times. Therefore, these tips can help you with ideas for how to start writing, inspiration and how to avoid or get rid of writer's block.

Ideas for how to start writing

Firstly, what are you interested in? If you find your favourite genres and themes, such as romance or fantasy, you already have a great start with where you want to go. Or, you could mix genres. These are the basics to start you off as you then think about the narrative you want to write. 

Secondly, characters are often tricky to come up with as I usually struggle with it as well. But your writing could start off with a character that you love. For example, I created two characters with personalities and a whole relationship in my mind that I liked so I decided to write a story based around them. 

So, you can think about if you want to write about a particular gender, sex, relationship, race, personality, backstory, high/low-class status or character development. 

Thirdly, think about how you want to write and keep it consistent. A great idea I love to do is create a new fictional world - which is great if you want to experiment in fantasy. If you do, you can create names, language and terminology for the fantasy world that suit and are consistent. In other words, if your mythical world doesn't have cars, remember not to write it accidentally.

Just start writing anything

Although this may be difficult, a great thing to get your creativity flowing is to just start writing anything that comes to mind. It can be as random as you want and you might find that you like part of it and you can branch off from that.

While writing prompts are great to give creative ideas you might not have imagined, I personally prefer to not use them much as I think it's more meaningful when you write what comes from your mind and you're more dedicated to writing it. So, what are other ways you can stay inspired and motivated? Start with these helpful tips.

Writing ideas, inspiration to ways to get over writer's block
Image source: Pixabay

Writing inspiration and how to stay inspired:

1. Set a word goal 

A great idea many recommend is to set a goal for how many words you want to write every day (e.g. 1,000 words). Setting goals is always helpful in everything to make you more determined. This is something I like to do when I write and when you easily reach the number of words, try increasing it every time slowly. Additionally, writing more can help give you more inspiration.

2. Reward yourself 

One of the best ways to keep motivated, inspired and writing is to reward yourself, which is also good in any situation and I like this as it really helps me. For example, when I finish writing a certain amount of words, I give myself chocolate or I can watch an episode of my favourite show. 

3. Travel

A tip recommended by authors, such as James Salter, is to travel. Indeed, this is great to see new experiences and ways of life around the world that you might not have thought of but can spark ideas. It makes you more aware as you open up to new perspectives and you can stay inspired.

4. Carry a small notebook with you around

Although it may be inconvenient to carry a small notebook everywhere, you might be surprised at how helpful it can be. If you suddenly have a great idea or see something to write about while you're out, you might forget it later so having a book to note it down is good. For instance, I bring a notebook with me on holidays when I think about story ideas so I can remember it and keep writing.

5. Think about the world, your life and your experiences

Writing about things that you know and love will not only give you great inspiration for an interesting writing piece, but it will make the story better for the reader as you know what you're talking about and the feelings. As many agree, the best inspiration comes from the world around you.

6. People-watch

Of course, not in a creepy way but people-watching can help give you creative inspiration as well as make you write realistically if that's what you're aiming for.

7. Talk to other people

Additionally, you can talk to other people to hear different, new thoughts and stories that may inspire you. It's also a great way to stay social and you can even collaborate with other authors to improve your writing, as I did with my sister. 

8. Read lots of books

To get inspiration, it's great to read lots of books in different genres and styles for a range of ideas. You can even learn new things and improve your writing. Furthermore, it can even be newspapers, magazines or anything else.

9. Watch movies

Similarly, watching TV and movies can help give you creative ideas on what to write. For example, Suzanne Collins came up with The Hunger Games idea during channel surfing with reality TV and war news. Clearly, inspiration can come from anywhere.

Best writing ideas and inspiration to get over writer's block
Image source: Pexels

10. Listen to music

An interesting idea you might not have thought of is to listen to music. Evidently, it helps with theme inspirations and emotional mood or it can be a motif in your story, like how movies have a soundtrack. In fact, I wrote a short story based on the narrative of a song I really liked.

11. Write every day

The best thing to do for writers is to be dedicated by writing every day. Not only does this improve your writing skills but it gives you inspiration as you try writing many different ideas and have a range of experiments that you can mix or branch off from. 

12. Try writing from some what-ifs?

Writing prompts and ideas may help writers and many of them include what-ifs. What if you're stuck on a different planet? What if you suddenly had superpowers? You could try imagining yourself in an interesting situation. 

13. Write from a different perspective

Other common writing prompts follow the idea of you writing from a different perspective such as an animal, a fantasy character, a different age or someone completely not like you. It's fun, challenging and lets you see the world differently.

What is "writer's block"?

Writer's block is a temporary experience and psychological feeling of a creative halt or slow down when a writer can't seem to produce or continue a writing piece. This may include a lack of inspiration, fear or anxiety.

Writer's block can be caused by many reasons including the author's problems in real life and career such as depression, a break-up or financial difficulties. Causes include fear, self-criticism, perfectionism, procrastination, a lack of internal or external motivation or pressure to write. On top of creative issues with the writer, there may be creative issues in the work where they feel stuck with it. 

It's important to realise that writer's block is real and lasts differently for each writer. Therefore, it can last from a few minutes to as long as a year or more but it is temporary and not as serious as other anxieties. However, not every writer experiences writer's block.

Similarly, writer's block feels different for each author but it may include lack of inspiration, feeling stressed, annoyed and not being able to concentrate. For example, I've felt frustrated with myself for not being able to write when I really want to write but I can't focus or think of anything.

Best writing ideas and inspiration to get over writer's block
image source: Pixabay

While it can be difficult to get over writer's block, here are some recommended ways you can try that I have used and you can experiment with all or some of them.

How to get over writer's block:

1. Try working on a different writing project

One of the first things I do to get rid of writer's block is to write something else that is a completely different style and genre from my current work because sometimes, I'm stuck on what to do currently and something new can help keep me writing. Then, I can return to my other writing when I get the inspiration.

2. Write a different part of it such as the ending

In like manner, you can try writing a different part of your work such as the end or later on - you don't have to write it in the narrative order. If you're stuck in a spot, but you have an idea for what happens later, try writing that and you can go back and fill in the gaps when you feel like it. 

As a matter of fact, author and Esquire writer Cal Fussman worked backwards from the ending for one of his pieces, which he had a ten-year writer's block on. 

3. Walk outside for some fresh air

As supported by many, going outside and being around nature can help relieve stress as you breathe in the fresh air, relax and forget about your worries. Being in a different environment can spark new inspiration and I think it feels nice being away from the suffocating indoors and electronics. 

4. Change your location

Similarly, just moving your working space can help you clear your mind. A new place can therefore create new feelings and thoughts to get over writer's block.

5. Exercise

Another good way to escape the pressure of writing and recharge is to exercise as it helps your body while stimulating your brain and blood flow. My favourite sports I've enjoyed for years are jogging, swimming, dancing and bike-riding.

6. Meditate or take a nap

Likewise, you could take a break by meditating or having a short nap. It's the perfect way to have a quiet, relaxing time to yourself and when you finish, you feel refreshed and ready to get started. 

7. Take a shower

Just like how a nap can refresh you, I think having a shower is a great way to feel fresh and ready to work. Moreover, it's a place where your brain can just go on autopilot and I love to use the time to daydream as I come up with great ideas.

8. Work in a quiet place

Sometimes, things and life can be distracting so it can help to write in a quiet place. When I write, I'm in my own room and away from the noise so I can concentrate.

Best writing ideas and inspiration to get over writer's block
Image source: Pexels

9. Believe writer's block is a myth

Jerry Jenkins, with 21 New York Times bestselling books, treats writer's block as a myth. This is a good way to avoid it as you don't believe in it so you won't let yourself be stuck in it.

10. Embrace the fear

Another great suggestion by the author Jerry Jenkins is to embrace the fear and accept it. By turning it into a strength and motivator, you can use it to power you along. 

11. Think positively

Life can be stressful and pressuring but try not to worry about the negative things. Importantly, do not compare your work to other people because some will be better than you and different but don't put yourself down. Every piece you write teaches you more and you will improve and find your own style. 

I really believe having a positive mindset will help you get over writer's block. If you just do what you love and what you want to do, you'll enjoy it more. 

12. Do a different activity that's not related to writing

Clearly, like editor Maria Tunney describes, it shows that doing something else that's not writing can give you a break from your work and then you can come back to writing when you're ready. I think experiencing something different can lead to you missing your own work and you can gain great insight and inspiration.

Someone who loves reading and writing. My life is filled with entertainment - movies, books and more creativity.

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