Should You Drop Out Of College?

There has always been a screen of uncertainty surrounding the benefits and detriments of college, whether it be the opportunities for learning, the high cost of advanced education, or the pressure that it's supposed promise of success can weigh upon any who comes from a family hopeful for their future. There are plenty of reasons to go, as many as there are to stay. If you're attending college and thinking of dropping out, consider this article.

Why Attend College In The First Place?

The main question that this article answers is a matter of the factors to consider when thinking about dropping out of college, but any reader not in that particular situation might ask: "Why did you even waste the time and money to go in the first place?" It is a plausible question, especially if you do not understand the situations that would lead to someone going to college. You see, most people don't even see another option or path in their life, whether they were given no other option by parents or simply do not know what they want to do with their lives. If you are able to go to college, sometimes the mere experience and ability to say that you did go is worth the trouble, just to see if it was worth it or effective in it's general mission.

Going to college is an opportunity to focus your efforts and ambition for success towards a single faucet of learning, so that you may understand everything there is to know in the category of profession that you choose. It is a perfect outlet for gathering information from true professionals that were once in your exact same position, people who have a true interest in their subject of teaching and embody the understanding that you wish to acquire. College is often seen as the "next step" in life, the only possibility that lies beyond high school and into a career of your choosing for a comfortable and profitable life. So, in a society that propagates the importance of a degree in the world of business, what other choice does an ambitious young person have other than college? 

When You Know You Should Leave

In college, you definitely want to have reached a certain threshold of understanding and situation that will leave you with dropping out as an overall better option. Although it can be hard to know exactly what these situations are, what exactly are good reasons to leave college and do something that you believe will be a more plentiful opportunity for yourself in the long run. Of course within that list is the existence of a better opportunity, a reason or job that has a massive room for growth and learning that you would not be able to achieve while in college. Keep in mind that you will almost always need a mentor, someone who will teach you what you need to know, and when you are wrong. It is better to understand the mistakes you can make and avoid them beforehand so that you are not set back. So if you decide in dropping out of college, be sure that you will be dropping into the supervision and teaching of a mentor with an expertise in your interests, so you can learn all there is to know.

A freedom of the information that you seek is also important, if you are looking for a profession that has a relatively public access to all forms of improvement and learning available in that field, then surely you can become a professional on your own accord! Things like trades, hobbies, and talents for creativity are simply things that cannot be taught, and an understanding for the behaviors of your fellow human towards those talents and trades will handle the rest. In general, being able to make money depends on servicing others, if you cannot satisfy someone else with your skills in your profession, then you cannot succeed. Although the same cannot go for your parents, do not go to college to satisfy them, especially if you have other desires for your life in mind. 

There is also confusion; plenty of people change their majors often, it is not an uncommon thing to want to change your mind in what you want to do with your life. However if you are too confused and unsure of what you want do do and be adept in, then you should take some time to earn money and find a position of stability in life so that you are able to reach an understanding of what exactly you want to do with your life. All in all, you should not reach college wondering why you are there. Lastly, debt; if you go to college and are being charged such ridiculous amounts of money in order to get your education that will lead you onto a path not profitable enough to afford your consequential debt, then consider doing something that will benefit you more financially, after all this country is focused on an ability to make money.

Why You Should Stay

When considering all the reasons to leave college, people often disregard the reasons to stay and endure the difficulties that a continued intensive education can introduce. For example, if you want to drop out then you should probably have a mentor in mind so that you never stop learning as much as possible, but consider the surplus of potential mentors and teachers waiting for you to speak up at college. The professors at college are more than qualified, although expensive. The same goes for much of the education available, it sure is guaranteed to give you a certification of trust and approved state of expertise amongst the right professional communities, however a sacrifice at the right price is of course necessary. Colleges allow you to focus on the path you would like to take in life, or even help you find new ones along the way. College is a surefire method of gathering the information you need in order to know what exactly makes a professional a professional in the line of work you are looking forward to. So long as you know what you want or have the goals in mind to make sure that you do and enjoy your life whilst doing so, college is the right place for you.

Prodigy writer with an interest in niche topics!

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