Yoga Poses For Beginners

Here's how you can start today for better tomorrow

Everyone says yoga is a state of mind but how many percent of the people regularly practice it globally, 15-20 % only. The normal comebacks that are heard from people when they are asked why don't you do yoga are "I don't have time", "I am not flexible enough", "I get too tired after the whole day's schedule", "I am not in shape enough", "I don't know how to start" etc. So, answering to them, If you don't have time in the morning practice in the evening and if you don't even have time in the evening too, take out just 10 minutes for the very first week and then after just increase 5-10 minutes of practice time every day. Take a rest in a week and let the body recover. If you are not flexible enough then you should know that nobody is flexible since the beginning. You have to practice by yourself and make yourself flexible. Not being in shape is also not an excuse because Yoga is all about feeling good not looking good. If you will feel good and do good, innately you'll look good.

For those who don't know how to start here's how you can start your Yoga journey with some most basic poses. 

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anulom Vilom)

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Anulom Vilom Pranayama is very basic and easy to do breathing practice using hands. Basically, the word Anu means 'as with' and Loma means 'with the natural', and Viloma means 'against the natural'. It is clear that Anuloma is the opposite of Viloma.  This breathing technique is very basic and easy to do. First of all, close your eyes and sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) and let your hands rest on your knees. Close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale slowly through the left side. This will fill your lungs with air which reduces respiratory-related diseases like asthma. Remove the thumb from the right nostril and use the middle finger to close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Be concentrated and focus on your breathing. Repeat this process for 2-3 minutes and then increase the timing accordingly.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain pose is the basic pose for other standing yoga postures such as headstands and handstands. It brings calm & focus and increases your balance, concentration & uses every muscle's movement. Raise your toes gently while breathing in and try to balance your body. Hold the pose for about 15 to 25 seconds and later gently exhale. It stretches your shoulders, arms, and balances the bodyweight on your toes.

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Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati)

Kapalabhati is also one of the basic breathing practices but without using hands. Sit in a meditative posture, rest your hands on your knees, start breathing deeply through both the nostrils and exhale. It contracts and relaxes the abdominal muscles of the body. Repeat the process for 15-25 seconds and then increase the timing accordingly.

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Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Faced Dog pose is also one of the basic poses which strengthen your bones, stretches your back, and improves the blood flow to the brain. Keep both the toes pointed towards the mat and sink your heels towards the floor while stretching your hands, back and shoulders.

Image Source - Instagram (inflexibleyogis)

Child's Pose (Balasana)

Child's pose is a very relaxing and basic pose which helps calm the brain, eases lower back pain, creates nice stretch, and increases circulation, Here's how to do it - spread your knees on the mat widely. Let your stomach rest between the thighs and head on the floor by keeping both the arms straight & stretched on the floor.

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Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana, the corpse pose may look easy but it's not that easy. Although Corpse Pose is admired by lots of people, it requires a lot of practice. You need to relax all your body parts whether it be the legs, eyes, hands, back, or brain. Release the effort of holding your body parts in the proper position and then relax.   

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Always remember ;

If you don't take care of your body your body won't take care of you.

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