How To Get A Date Online In A Week

Like all things, times change drastically with every year, especially now. Different freedoms and restrictions and freedoms cause our social systems to falter and change out of individual norms with the passing of every day. Our options for activity involving fun and interpersonal communicating have been and are being undone. It is hard to get close to others in a social climate like the one we live in especially today. So, how do we get personal from behind a screen, in a world where everyone is connected through apps and behind masks of every variation? How do we create genuine relationships?

Know What You Want

This current generation of getting to know those around us is complicated. We were all forced, if not coerced by the times to adapt to the advancing technology of our world. So, anyone who uses a computer knows how difficult it can be to commit ourselves to a genuine and vulnerable mindset online. Many people believe that a life of self isolation and solitude socially is the better option in life, allowing some sort of freedom from the complex interaction with our fellow human being. However, doesn't that sort of outlook on our fellow complicated man only paint a picture quite vivid of ourselves? Thinking that people are not worth our time as people will not make you happy, especially if you are not happy with yourself. Our society is confused and depressed, in the midst of mandates and regulations we have strayed from the wonders of true companionship which bring meaning to our lives. 

That then begs the question: if we do not truly want to be alone, then what should we desire from ourselves, from other people? Temporary connections to the outside world, satisfaction that doesn't go any deeper than our surface thoughts and needs as people? No, those sorts of values are superficial, shallow and lacking true meaning and purpose when it comes to interactions with different people. We as social beings should focus on our true values, rather than things like looks and money. Be genuine when discovering your matches intentions, and revealing your own. We have forgotten the importance of long term, meaningful relationships, having someone who is there for you in your darkest moments, so that you can rise up into the light of who you truly want to be. Strive to grow with a partner, your partner, be someone that you can trust, so that you can learn to trust your match in time. Look forward to improving and shaping your meaningful values so that you can be the perfect match. What sort of things are important values, you ask?

  • Financial Safety
  • Spiritual Comfort
  • Family 
  • Goals
  • Maturity

Trust me, if you practice finding importance in these factors of life, not only will you improve your overall lifestyle, you will learn to only interact with those who favor the same things. If you don't believe me, just ask Violet Lim.

Consider The Dangers

Unfortunately, even in the advanced protections of technology, there are some instances in which we should keep our vulnerabilities to ourselves. While it may be rare, there is always that rare stranger that intends on giving your day (or life) a massive downside. The internet is a big place, with plenty of hazards; beware! Don't be blindsided by the desire to meet new people, or that special someone. Scammers exist, and they often look for that lonely person desperate to get close to someone else for the sake of their own gain, usually financially. These scammers will take advantage of you by creating fake accounts that portray themselves as gorgeous people with statuses far higher than you would expect. They will offer you "free" subscriptions to websites with sketchy links. Don't ever give out your sensitive information! A good scenario to keep in mind is a beautiful woman hitting you up first, offering to take you out on a date in their first message, there is no way that such a person could be real, despite your dependence on the Chaos Theory. 

Then there are those with the superficial values that we have gone over. The kind of people that only find interest in you if you have some sort of higher status in terms of looks or money. These people will use those features of yours to better benefit themselves, for sexual relief or plain thievery. While you may not be particularly be avoidant of these sorts of people immediately, being aware of their actual intents and values in a relationship is something that you should bear in mind whenever contacting them. Don't waste your time! Spend that attention on someone who actually cares about who you are underneath the visage of your outer personality. 

People lie on their profiles! Not always for the sake of stealing from your credit card account, but sometimes just to fake out their own insecurities, or worse. Pew Research Center would definitely agree that most people lie on their profiles rather than be genuine, and I believe that the more socially willing and apt people are interested in those who aren't liars. 

Be Your Natural, Confident Self

Humans are a complicated, emotional species. It can be a mission just to understand what exactly appeals to a particular person. There are plenty of methods that people use on others to make them seem as though they would appeal to this wide variety of possible interest without even displaying those same aspects. Although, being shy, uninterested or mysterious towards your potential match does not do much except create a version of yourself which you really aren't. In the indulgence of being someone that you quite possibly don't want to be, you could become genuinely interested in someone who doesn't even know who you are. You will confuse your match, give them a false interpretation of who who you would like to be and thus ruin your entire relationship in a matter of days. Want to avoid developing a separate personality? Be yourself, act natural, tell the truth. Understand that your match is just as human as you are, they have flaws, doubts, as well as aspects of themselves which they must work on. Take solace in the fact that you probably are sharing the same unnerving thoughts as you interact, and remember that no partner is worth your time if they do not know how to fall in love with the things that you cannot change. 

Ask Questions!

Something that most people forget whilst in isolation is that they do not actually know everyone they come across on a personal level. You do not always have the same worries, desires and humor with the world. Sometimes, it is best to remember that you are a stranger to someone else, that you nothing about them until you ask. That's right, ask question, begin to wonder about the person sitting on the other side of the screen and speak your inquiries aloud. You never know, perhaps your assumptions will be correct, perhaps you will learn something new and rare that you have never heard from any other person. We are all unique as people, and finding the joy in that aspect is something that will make you much more desirable by those that you want to be partnered with. Be sure to ask the big questions though, you don't want your conversation nor your interest to seem shallow. You never want your answer to be a mere "yes" or "no", try to coax an entire anecdote from your match, so you can learn as much about them as you can in one instance.

Try To Meet Face To Face

Sure, there are certain restrictions on our social availability that make face to face socialization a little more dangerous than it would be in the past. However, something to consider is that relationships are so much stronger when you interact and genuinely become interested in someone when you make eye contact. You see, body language is the most important language known to us humans, we pay more attention to it than we would think and often make our decisions regarding others based off of body language. Of course, take the precautions that you feel are necessary for both you and your partners safety, that would probably make you seem like more of a caring and safe person, who won't take risks that possibly could end someone's life. However, even the promise of meeting face to face could greatly improve your relationship online; especially when you practice these methods of getting a date online in a week.

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