How Your Health And Wellness Can Impact Your Mental Health

How different types of impacts can help your mental and physical health and wellness through the use of exercise.

Healthy Taste Vitality - HTV


Health and wellbeing is very important in our everyday lives which can impact us greatly. After the difficult year of 2020 our health remains very crucial to us more than ever including our mental health too. By exercising once, a day even if it is just a short walk it can improve your energy, sleeping patterns as well as feeling more positive and relaxed from day to day. As well as exercising your diet can impact how you feel influencing your wellness every day. 

Wellness & Your Health

Firstly, you may have a goal to pursue in order to increase your health and wellness to make it more realistic and so that it can be an everyday goal. This goal could be anything from exercising for 30 minutes a day to starting to go to the gym every day. Everybody’s goals are different based on how good they determine their health and wellness to be. Health is a heavily discussed topic nowadays that even smartphones often have apps that can help you track your health and exercise every day so that it can encourage you to ensure you take care of yourself and better yourself each day. According to Handel, M (2011) the use of mobile apps for our health can offer a highly accessible way of keeping track of your health which is cost effective with a means of motivating as they are self-management programs. Companies such as Apple and Samsung are encouraging wellness and fitness by having these apps already installed when you buy the phone. This can encourage you to want to work out and achieve specific goals each day to keep yourself going for your health. 

Your Diet

Having a good diet can also have an impact on your health and wellness. If you eat good, you’ll feel good. By making sure you have a balanced and healthy diet, this will give your body positive impacts and make you feel positive throughout your day. As well as this, by consuming certain vitamins can boost your immune system and prevent you from not being ill so often. There are many different types of vitamins available to buy in shops or online which can help support your body through different environments and give you the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. Also keeping fully hydrated by drinking water throughout the day will increase your concentration levels massively. There are a lot of benefits of drinking water which include helping keep your blood pressure at a stable amount, it can get rid of any bacteria in your body and it can regulate body temperature too so that your body is at a stabilised temperature all day long. Drinking water can additionally give your skin comfort and protection from any spots that may occur and any bacteria on your face. Again there are apps you can download to track your diet and what you eat each day which can support you with your calorie and nutrient intake from each day. There are apps such as My Fitness Pal that you can download on your smartphone to use for counting calories by scanning a barcode on the packaging of the food you are eating, this can help you stabilise the amount of fat and calories you are consuming each day in order to have the best diet possible for your body. This can also help with diseases such as diabetes as you can control what is best to eat by tracking it on the app. 

Your Mental Health

Your wellness can also have an influence on your mental health and how you feel within your mind. Fresh air and sun can clear your mind and help you get rid of any bad thoughts or anxious feelings. Mikkelsen, K (2017) states that the general psychological benefits of exercise on your mental health are a better self-esteem, improvement in your mood, and lower stress and anxiety levels. The physical benefits have been stated to be reduction of blood pressure in your body, weight loss and enhanced cardiovascular fitness as well as the prevention of specific diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and cognitive conditions like Alzheimer’s. there is plenty of evidence to show that exercise can improve your mental health in many different ways. Physiological ways that exercise can increase your mental health are the increase of endorphin levels, and body temperature claimed by Mikkelsen, K (2017). It has been proven that just 20-40 minutes of exercise can decrease anxiety levels for several hours which has been explained by Mikkelsen, K (2017). The sun is also classed as a vitamin which is vitamin D which has been suggested to fight diseases and can sometimes prevent depression which again shows that vitamins and exercise can help your mental wellness. The sound of water and waves such as the beach can ease anxiety and any anxious thoughts as well as making you feel calm and relaxed with an easing environment around you. 

Socialising with Others 

The engagement with family or friends or people you love can help your wellness as it will make you feel happy if you see them consistently or knowing you have plans so have something to look forward to. This will increase your mood and wellbeing knowing you are going to see your friends or family and enjoy yourself which will be good for your mind. For example, completing any type of exercise with a friend or family member would improve your wellness massively because it will be more enjoyable, will take your mind off things and also increase your motivation to want to exercise. 


The use of technology can surprisingly have a good impact on your health whether this is on a smart phone or smart watch. With the use of health and fitness apps on smart phones this can keep a clear track of your fitness and how it is benefitting you. There are so many different fitness apps that can benefit you and that you can use to enjoy exercise and maintaining your health and wellness. Smart watches offer a range of different effects such as tracking different types of exercises to measuring your heart rate. When it comes to tracking a certain exercise on a smart watch it is really beneficial because it measures how long the exercise has been as well as the calories you are burning. This is helpful to know because it can determine whether you have done enough exercise. With smartwatches you can also set daily goals in order to achieve enough exercise each day and so that you can burn enough calories every day to keep yourself fit and active to improve your wellbeing. The use of YouTube and Instagram can also be great when it comes to watching a workout video to follow for your daily exercise so that you know the right type of exercise and movements to complete. This can be important so that you know exactly how to complete that type of exercise which can make you motivated to get it right. 


There are so many different types of benefits from completing exercises each day. With the pandemic in 2020 and being stuck inside constantly, exercise has become even more popular and has improved people’s mental health throughout the unknown times of what is ahead. The serious illness of the pandemic has made exercise even more appreciated as it has made us realise how good it is for our mind and our bodies. Therefore, implying that the effects of exercise are only beneficial and goof for your health and wellbeing whether that is mentally or physically. 

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