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Rules To Buy Agricultural Land In Karnataka - Everything You Need To Know

In Karnataka, the procurement of agricultural land is guided by an intricate system of rules and regulations designed to protect farmers' interests, regulate land ownership, and encourage agricultural endeavours. Comprehending these rules is essential for people or organisations looking to buy farmland in Karnataka. Karnataka, known for its varied agro-climatic zones and strong agricultural history, has put in place strict rules to protect agricultural interests, curb land speculation, and guarantee fair distribution of land resources. The Karnataka Land Reforms Act of 1961 is the foundation of these rules, outlining the rights and duties of people and organisations concerning farmland.
writer and magazine editor Bhargavi
stories . 4 min read

Step-By-Step Process Of Buying A Farmland

Looking to buy a managed farmland? In this article, we will tell you the step-by-step process of buying farmland , making it simple for you.
India is a predominantly agricultural country with 159.7 million hectares of arable land. Even though other sectors are constantly evolving in India, agriculture continues to be the primary source of income for India. Due to India’s dependency on agriculture, managed farmlands have emerged as a new asset class for the new age investors. Investing in farmland can be a very lucrative venture, but it requires careful preparation and management. In this article, we will offer some insightful advice on how you can buy managed farmland and what is the best managed farmland that is available for your investment. Let’s begin with how you can start the investment process.
writer and magazine editor Bhargavi
lifestyle . 4 min read

Knowing When To Stop Carrying Even The Best Diaper Bag: A Guide For Parents

Discover the factors to consider and guidelines for deciding when it's time to stop carrying a diaper bag. Tap to know when to transition from the best diaper bags to something more convenient.
Parents often find it cumbersome to carry a large, bulky diaper bag as their little ones grow up. While comfort and being prepared for the baby are essential, it's important to know when it's you can stop carrying your diaper bag. While this decision varies for each family, certain factors can help you make an informed choice. This article explores age, frequency of use, convenience, and other considerations to guide you in deciding whether to continue using diaper bags. By considering these factors, you can determine the most suitable duration for your family's needs. Meanwhile, here are the best diaper bags to begin with!
writer and magazine editor Bhargavi
wellness . 4 min read