Royal Family Feud: The Biggest Reveals From Oprah’s Interview With Meghan Markle And Prince Harry

Meghan and Harry are no longer members of the royal family, but there's more to their departure than meets the eye.
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Oprah, Interview, Royal Family, CBS
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Interview with Oprah Winfrey - Copyright: ViacomCBS and SkyNews

March 7th, 2021 marked an important moment in history, giving the world a peek into the dark side of royal life through the eyes of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle; the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Having spent nearly two hours speaking with Oprah Winfrey, the eye-opening interview dropped numerous bombs that make us concerned for the state of the UK’s most influential citizens; the royals.

Here are the biggest reveals from Meghan and Harry’s interview.

Prince Harry's and Meghan Markle's Son Was Denied Royal Protection

In the interview’s first minute, Oprah made a point to congratulate Meghan on her pregnancy of her second child. But her first child, Archie, quickly became the center of discussion.

Archie, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Royal Family, Royal Title
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Holding Baby Archie - Copyright: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Before Archie was born, Meghan was told by “the institution'' (the court of administrators who handle royal practices and traditions) that he wouldn’t receive a formal title, nor a security detail, unlike the other royal children.

Typically, all members of the royal family, including their children, are granted 24/7 protection in the event of an attack, or other forms of harassment. This is similar to how any world leader might be protected, such as the U.S. President.

In regards to his title, it’s unheard of that a royal family member would be forcibly exempt from taking on a formal title; Duke, Duchess, Prince, Princess, etc. Needless to say, this was a suspicious decision by the royal institution and a serious red flag.

Since other members of the royal family failed to support Meghan and Harry on this issue, things were turning sour in the UK. But why exclude Archie? And who is responsible for this decision?

Someone in the Royal Family is Racist

The interview took an unfortunate turn when Meghan revealed that someone within the royal community had expressed concerns over Archie’s skin color.

Prince William, Prince Harry, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, Royal Family
Prince William and Kate Middleton walk with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Copyright: Nicki Swift

Having not yet been born, the topic of Archie's skin color came as a shock, not to mention that his skin tone should have nothing to do with his treatment or anything else for that matter.

This news came around the same time Meghan and Harry were told Archie wouldn’t be receiving a security detail, so are these two events connected? Was the royal institution trying to alienate Archie because of the color of his skin?

Both Meghan and Harry refused to name the person who had raised this concern, but they didn’t deny Oprah’s theory that the royal community isn’t keen on sharing their status with a person of color.

Harry shared that the event, and his marriage to Meghan, the first royal person of color, had changed his perception of royal life.

Under Pressure from the Press

Before Meghan and Harry started their family, it was just the two of them against the world, or, more specifically, against their public image.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Royal Family
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle - Copyright: FOX News

The couple expressed serious concern over the relationship between the royal institution and the U.K. press, describing it as a “symbiotic relationship” in which one can't survive without the other. They describe it further as a relationship that leaves people “trapped.”

Meghan’s experience with the UK tabloids was harsher than most, falling victim to countless false stories. One such story was the rumor that she had Kate Middleton cry which Meghan says isn't true. In fact, Meghan stated that the opposite had occurred, but that she has since reconciled with Kate.

She went on to claim that the institution, which consistently made efforts to ease tabloid tensions for other royals, did nothing for her. “They were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren’t willing, to tell the truth, to protect me and my husband.

Meghan revealed that she was pressured to stay indoors to avoid public scrutiny, but that these times of hiding were often and for long periods. She likened the experience, which occurred over two years ago, to Covid-19 quarantine, and confirmed it was a factor in the development of her suicidal thoughts.

Admitting her struggles with depression was difficult for her, but when she tried to seek help the royal institution denied her requests, saying that rehabilitation wouldn’t be good for the royal public image.

Meghan and Harry Ran For Their Lives

During their stay in Canada, the couple was informed that they would be relieved of their security detail, leaving them exposed to possible threats.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Tyler Perry, Refuge, Safety, Mansion, Hollywood, Canada
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Tyler Perry - Copyright: People Magazine

Before being completely severed from the family, Meghan and Harry moved to Canada to begin their lives as junior royal members. It was their first step away from public pressure, but certainly not their last.

As members of the royal family, and therefore powerful world influencers, Meghan and Harry were at risk of being attacked after losing their security detail. With the whole world knowing exactly where they were, and with Covid-19 beginning to hit North America, the couple realized that they needed to leave Canada. But how?

As luck would have it, Hollywood producer/director Tyler Perry stepped in to help this formidable time. He provided Meghan and Harry with security and welcomed them to reside in one of his Hollywood mansions. A very generous offer, and in the knick of time.

What Happens Now?

Meghan and Harry now reside in Montecino, California with their son, Archie, their soon-to-be-newborn daughter, and their many chickens.

Harry stated that he continues to speak to his grandmother, the Queen, but only makes a few calls to his father, Prince Charles, and is not currently speaking to his brother, Prince William.

The couple stated numerous times during the interview that they did not wish to speak or act in any way that would harm the royal family as they still hold high regard for all of them, but that they felt it important to truthfully share their experiences.

Chris is a recent Brooklyn College grad who's eager to share his thoughts on entertainment, lifestyle routines, and the state of the world.

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